Brooklands Primary School, located in London, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy. The school is co-led by Emily McGrath and Sarah Armstrong and is part of the Maritime Academy Trust. The inspection, conducted on January 24 and 25, 2024, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good, with outstanding leadership and management. The school has high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Leaders have effectively implemented an ambitious curriculum, particularly in early reading, which is well understood and executed by the staff.
Pupils at Brooklands Primary feel safe and supported, with a strong emphasis on safeguarding and online safety. They trust the adults in the school to address any issues, including bullying, and enjoy positive social interactions during playtimes. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities and experiences beyond the academic curriculum, such as educational visits and opportunities to participate in the pupil parliament and eco-warriors program.
The leadership and management of the school are noted as exceptional, with a strong commitment to supporting the school community and ensuring high achievement for pupils. The trust board and local academy committee provide effective support and challenge, while professional development for staff is prioritized to enhance their teaching expertise. The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, with clear expectations for the skills and knowledge pupils need to acquire. However, some aspects of the curriculum are new and not yet fully embedded, which can affect the depth of pupils' learning and understanding.
Pupils with special educational needs are fully included in all aspects of school life, with quick identification of needs and effective support in place. The school places a strong emphasis on reading, with a systematic approach to phonics instruction that helps pupils become confident readers. Additional support is provided for those who may be falling behind, ensuring they catch up swiftly. The focus on reading continues as pupils progress through the school, with various initiatives to promote a love for reading.
The early years provision is engaging and well-structured, preparing children for their future learning. Pupils are polite, respectful, and focused in lessons, with effective behavior management strategies in place to minimize disruptions. The school actively monitors attendance and supports families to overcome barriers to regular attendance.
The provision for personal development is comprehensive, with core values that guide pupils in understanding respect and diversity. The school fosters an environment where pupils learn about their rights and responsibilities, preparing them for their future.
While the school has many strengths, it is recognized that some areas of the curriculum require further embedding to ensure that pupils' learning deepens as intended. The trust and school leadership are committed to supporting staff in this process to achieve the desired impact on pupils' learning outcomes. Overall, Brooklands Primary School is a welcoming and supportive environment where pupils thrive academically and personally, with a strong foundation for future success.