Thornhill Junior and Infant School, located in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, has been recognized for its overall effectiveness as a good school following its inspection in May 2019. The leadership and management of the school are deemed good, with leaders ensuring that the quality of teaching is consistently high. Professional development for staff in key areas such as phonics and writing has led to strong progress among pupils. Reading is prioritized in the curriculum, fostering enthusiasm and comprehension skills among students. The curriculum is well-structured, engaging pupils and motivating them to learn, resulting in positive attitudes in lessons.
Despite the overall good quality of teaching, there are areas for improvement, particularly for the most able pupils who sometimes do not receive sufficiently challenging work across various subjects, including English and mathematics. This has led to fewer pupils achieving higher standards. Attendance rates have improved significantly, aligning with national averages, as leaders have effectively communicated the importance of good attendance to pupils.
The early years provision is also rated as good, with effective leadership that promotes confident and independent learners. Children in the early years make strong progress due to the supportive environment created by adults. The school has established effective relationships with parents, providing opportunities for them to engage in their children's learning through various events and workshops.
Governance at the school has strengthened, with governors and trustees actively challenging and supporting school leaders. They contribute significantly to the strategic direction of the school. However, some middle leaders in wider curriculum subjects lack experience in ensuring effective teaching and demonstrating the impact on pupil outcomes. Teaching assistants generally support learning effectively, although this varies across year groups.
The school has made notable strides in supporting disadvantaged pupils, with leadership in this area resulting in improved progress for current students. Phonics teaching has seen considerable improvement, although some lower-attaining pupils still face challenges in their progress due to inconsistencies in teaching effectiveness. The school promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development well, with strong teaching in music and personal, social, health, citizenship, and economic education.
To further enhance the quality of teaching and learning, the school aims to ensure that all pupils, particularly the most able, receive appropriately challenging work. Additionally, there is a focus on consistently effective phonics teaching and ensuring that all teaching assistants positively impact pupils' learning. Leadership and management effectiveness will be improved by holding middle leaders accountable for the quality of teaching and pupil outcomes in wider curriculum subjects through thorough monitoring and evaluation.
Overall, Thornhill Junior and Infant School demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement, with a strong focus on developing pupils' academic and personal skills. The school environment fosters a sense of community and encourages pupils to take pride in their education, preparing them well for their future endeavors.