Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Woodstock Primary Academy on 31 October 2024, following the school's previous graded inspection. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since the last evaluation and to identify areas for further improvement. The inspection involved discussions with the principal, senior leaders, and trust executives, as well as lesson visits, conversations with curriculum leaders, teachers, and pupils, and a review of improvement plans and pupils' work.
The inspection found that while leaders have made progress in improving the school, certain aspects still require attention. One key area identified for further action is ensuring that staff possess the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively deliver the ambitious writing curriculum. This is crucial for enhancing pupils' spelling, punctuation, grammar, and overall writing skills.
Since the last inspection, there have been staffing changes, including the appointment of a new curriculum leader for English and a new leader for the early years foundation stage. The English curriculum has been revised to provide a coherent framework that outlines the essential knowledge and skills pupils need to develop as writers. Staff are increasingly applying new handwriting and spelling policies, which have positively impacted pupils' writing.
Teachers' subject knowledge and teaching methods are improving due to ongoing training provided by school leaders and the trust. However, it is essential for this training to continue to ensure consistent effectiveness in writing lessons. The improvements in the curriculum are reflected in the school's recent outcomes, indicating a positive trend in pupil performance.
The school has maintained a strong focus on developing pupils' reading skills, promoting a love for reading among students. Pupils in key stage 1 are now achieving reading outcomes that align with national expectations. The curriculum has been designed to include opportunities for teachers to assess pupil learning effectively. Teachers are utilizing these opportunities to check for understanding and address any knowledge gaps or misconceptions.
All staff are aware of the additional needs of pupils and adapt their teaching accordingly, using appropriate resources to support those with special educational needs and disabilities. This collaborative approach between the school and the trust has proven effective in helping these pupils achieve well.
The early years foundation stage provision is focused on enhancing children's communication and language skills. The curriculum emphasizes vocabulary development and early communication, with adults in the EYFS using high-quality interactions to foster language growth through play.
The actions taken by school leaders have been effective in driving necessary improvements. The trust has provided support and challenge to senior leaders, helping to develop leadership capacity within the school. More curriculum leaders are demonstrating the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate the impact of their actions accurately. Leaders have managed the ongoing changes without compromising staff well-being, which is crucial for maintaining a positive school environment.
In summary, while Woodstock Primary Academy has made significant strides in improving its educational offerings, particularly in English and reading, there are still areas that require further development, particularly in writing instruction. Continued professional development for staff and a sustained focus on curriculum implementation will be essential for the school to achieve its goals and ensure all pupils reach their full potential.