Ofsted conducted a short inspection of North Fawdon Primary School on 5 July 2019, following its previous judgment of good in December 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld the school's inclusive and welcoming environment, ensuring that pupils feel safe, valued, and happy. The school motto, learn and explore together, aim high and succeed, reflects the positive ethos that permeates the institution.
The headteacher, Mrs. Alison Cairns, has developed a strong team of senior and middle leaders who share a vision of high expectations for all pupils. Staff members feel well supported and treated fairly, contributing to a positive and aspirational culture within the school. Since joining the Smart Multi-Academy Trust in November 2016, the school has benefited from strong partnerships that enhance its educational offerings.
The school’s special resource base, known as the ARC, is highly effective, providing support for pupils with complex social, emotional, and behavioral needs. Staff are well-trained to nurture and educate these pupils, who are making good progress. Parents and carers express loyalty to the school, appreciating the effective support and communication from staff, as well as the progress their children make, particularly those with special educational needs or who are disadvantaged.
The leadership team has focused on areas for development identified in the previous inspection, resulting in improved teaching quality across the school. Pupils' work demonstrates that teachers provide challenging tasks in reading, writing, and mathematics, particularly in key stages one and two. However, there remains a need for improvement in writing, as too few pupils attain greater depth in this area. The systematic approach to teaching reading has led to significant improvements in pupils' reading skills, with increased opportunities for reading at home.
The local governing body plays a crucial role in the strategic development of the school, with highly skilled governors providing appropriate challenge and support to school leaders. Safeguarding measures are effective, with clear systems in place to ensure the safety of pupils. Staff and governors have received extensive training, ensuring everyone understands their responsibilities regarding safeguarding.
Children in the early years are happy, secure, and confident, with effective assessments in place to gauge their progress. The learning environment is well-structured, although there is a need for greater challenge in outdoor learning for Reception children compared to their Nursery counterparts. The school experiences a higher than average turnover of pupils, which impacts the overall attainment figures at the end of key stages.
The teaching of phonics is effective, with children making a good start in learning letters and sounds. The English leader has introduced changes to improve writing, resulting in enhanced skills in handwriting and grammar. Despite strong progress, there is still a need for more pupils to reach greater depth in writing compared to reading and mathematics.
Improving attendance is a priority for the school, as current figures are above the national average. The leadership team is committed to working with families to address attendance issues, recognizing that this remains an area for ongoing focus. The inspection concluded with recommendations for embedding changes in writing instruction, enhancing outdoor learning challenges, and continuing efforts to improve attendance.