Hillside Avenue Primary and Nursery School in Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich, has been rated as good in its recent inspection. The school provides a welcoming environment where pupils are happy and well-behaved. Newcomers are quickly integrated, and children in Nursery and Reception settle in smoothly. The school emphasizes the development of confidence and language skills from an early age, with leaders maintaining high expectations for hard work. Pupils enjoy their learning experiences and are well-prepared for the next stages of their education.
Physical activity is encouraged, and there is a strong focus on positive mental health. Many pupils participate in musical activities, playing instruments and being part of the school band. They take pride in their responsibilities, such as being play leaders and helping to organize playtime. The school teaches pupils about safety, particularly in navigating areas undergoing renovation. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they occur, pupils feel confident that staff will assist them.
The school has effectively planned the core knowledge and skills to be taught year after year. Teachers are adept at sequencing learning and ensuring lessons build on prior knowledge. Staff in the early years are particularly skilled at planning activities that support children's learning. However, in some subjects, the mapping of important knowledge and vocabulary could be improved. This sometimes leads to teachers being unclear about how their teaching connects to pupils' previous or future learning. Subject leaders who have had time to monitor teaching have developed more detailed curriculum plans, with a current focus on vocabulary usage.
Professional development for staff is prioritized, and teachers appreciate the collaborative environment for trialing new practices. Reading is a key focus across the school, with early years children learning to recognize sounds and being introduced to stories. Teachers frequently assess pupils' phonics knowledge and adjust teaching groups accordingly. A wide range of books is available, matched to pupils' reading levels, and additional support is provided for those at risk of falling behind.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate support within their classes, with teachers adapting activities to ensure progress. Leaders accurately identify pupils' needs and plan effectively for staff to meet those needs. Personal development is enhanced through various school activities, promoting mental health and providing opportunities for residential experiences and volunteer work. Assemblies encourage reflection and learning about diverse lifestyles, contributing to pupils' polite and hardworking demeanor.
The newly merged multi-academy trust leaders are familiar with the school and collaborate with senior leaders to support ongoing improvement. The local governing body offers a balance of support and challenge, with trustees and governors fulfilling their statutory duties effectively. Safeguarding arrangements are robust, with well-trained staff who regularly update their knowledge on key issues. Record-keeping is thorough, allowing for the quick identification of any unusual patterns in behavior or attendance. Pupils are educated on internet safety and understand how to mitigate risks.
To improve, the school needs to ensure that curriculum plans in some subjects clearly identify the knowledge, vocabulary, and skills to be learned at different stages. This clarity will help teachers understand the sequence of learning. Additionally, some subject leaders require more opportunities to evaluate their subjects' effectiveness, enabling them to enhance the quality of education. Senior leaders must ensure that subject leaders receive the necessary time and training to support teachers in implementing the planned curriculum effectively.