Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Hookstone Chase Primary School on April 9, 2019, and the findings indicate that the school continues to provide a good quality of education. The leadership team, under the new headteacher Miss Vivien Watson, has effectively built upon the existing strengths of the school since her appointment in January 2019. The headteacher has demonstrated a clear understanding of the school’s effectiveness and has identified appropriate priorities for improvement, which she is pursuing with determination.
The staff at Hookstone Chase Primary School exhibit a strong commitment to providing high-quality educational experiences for the pupils. Professional development opportunities have been implemented, allowing teachers to take greater responsibility for pupil progress. The school fosters a caring and inclusive environment, where older pupils support younger ones, promoting teamwork and cooperation. Pupils are encouraged to take on leadership roles, such as being trained buddies, which contributes to their maturity and politeness.
Governance at the school is effective, with governors and the chief executive officer sharing high expectations for the school. However, there is recognition that further development is needed for middle leaders to enhance their effectiveness. The headteacher has initiated small leadership teams in key areas, such as English and mathematics, to support this development. While these middle leaders are enthusiastic and knowledgeable, they are still in the early stages of their development and rely on senior leaders for further improvements.
Safeguarding practices at the school are robust, with staff well-informed about their responsibilities in keeping children safe. The school has established a culture of safeguarding, working effectively with external agencies when necessary. Relationships between staff and pupils are positive, with a strong emphasis on supporting pupils’ emotional development. Pupils feel safe and have opportunities to express any concerns they may have.
The inspection highlighted the school’s focus on improving outcomes in mathematics and reading. Teachers have received professional development that has enhanced their subject knowledge, leading to improved teaching effectiveness. Pupils are now provided with opportunities to develop problem-solving and reasoning skills in mathematics, although there is still work to be done to ensure that all pupils, particularly the most able, are sufficiently challenged. In reading, the school has reviewed book selections to ensure they are appropriate and promote vocabulary development. Pupils express enthusiasm for reading and enjoy the books available to them.
The teaching of phonics is effective, with pupils developing strong early reading skills. The proportion of pupils meeting the expected standard in the Year 1 phonics screening check has been above or in line with the national average. Recent training has also focused on enhancing pupils’ reading comprehension skills, although this practice is still being embedded in some year groups.
The school has made significant efforts to support disadvantaged pupils, recognizing the need to maximize their progress. Strategies are in place to address emotional and social development, and staff are diligent in identifying barriers to learning. Regular checks on the performance of disadvantaged pupils are conducted to ensure their needs are met.
In summary, while Hookstone Chase Primary School continues to provide a good education, there are areas for improvement, particularly in challenging all pupils in mathematics and enhancing reading comprehension expectations. The leadership team is committed to ongoing development and improvement, ensuring that the school remains a supportive and effective learning environment for all pupils.