Burntstump Seely C of E Primary Academy, located in Arnold, Nottinghamshire, has been recognized for its overall effectiveness as a good school following its inspection in May 2019. The headteacher has demonstrated effective leadership, supported by the Southwell and Nottingham Multi-Academy Trust, which has helped address previous weaknesses in teaching. Professional development initiatives have led to improvements in teaching quality, resulting in strong progress and attainment among pupils, particularly in reading. The school’s ethos is highly valued by parents, contributing to its popularity among families in the area.
Pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development is well-promoted through both the curriculum and the positive examples set by staff. In the early years, children have shown good progress, with a higher-than-average proportion achieving a good level of development by the end of the Reception Year. However, some challenges arose this year due to unsettled staffing, which initially affected the progress of certain children in reading and writing.
In key stages one and two, pupils are making good progress, although writing remains an area where improvement is needed compared to reading and mathematics. Issues with spelling, punctuation, and grammar have been noted, impacting the overall quality of written work. Lessons are well-planned, and teachers have increasingly high expectations for pupil achievement. Nonetheless, the legacy of weaker teaching in the past has hindered the progress of the most able pupils, particularly in writing.
The curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils develop knowledge and skills across a broad range of subjects. Subject leaders are effective in enhancing teaching quality, especially in reading and mathematics. New leaders are committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve their best. Governors possess a strong understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses, frequently visiting to monitor pupil learning.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive strong support, and their emotional well-being is effectively addressed by the school’s support team. While pupils feel safe at school, attendance rates are below the national average, indicating an area for improvement.
To further enhance the school’s performance, several recommendations have been made. These include raising attainment in writing by improving handwriting, spelling, punctuation, and grammar skills. Additionally, providing greater challenges for the most able pupils is essential to increase the number working above expected standards, particularly in writing. The school aims to increase the proportion of pupils meeting early learning goals in reading and writing by the end of the Reception Year and to reduce absence levels to align with national averages.
The leadership and management of the school are deemed good, with significant improvements noted since its opening in 2016. The headteacher, supported by the trust, has driven substantial changes across the school. The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment has transformed, with a notable increase in the percentage of pupils achieving expected standards in reading, writing, and mathematics. Staff morale is high, and parents express positive views about the school.
Overall, Burntstump Seely C of E Primary Academy is a school that has made commendable progress, with a clear focus on continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils. The commitment to fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment is evident, and the school is well-positioned to build on its successes in the future.