Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Kingfisher Special School on 11 June 2019, with the findings indicating that the school continues to provide outstanding education. The leadership team has effectively maintained the high standards established during the previous inspection in December 2014. Since converting to an academy in September 2016, the school has appointed experienced trust members and governors who are well-informed about the school’s operations. They hold leaders accountable and prioritize the quality of education. The shared vision among trust members, governors, and leaders fosters a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that pupils feel safe and happy while learning.
Staff at Kingfisher Special School demonstrate a deep understanding of their pupils' needs, taking time to assess and engage them in learning through personalized approaches. Sensory diets are tailored to individual pupils, enhancing their readiness to learn. Parents express overwhelming positivity about the school, feeling included in the school community and noting significant progress in their children’s development. They appreciate the supportive environment and the positive impact the school has had on their children’s lives.
The school has effective safeguarding measures in place, with a strong culture of safety. The designated safeguarding lead and pastoral lead respond promptly to concerns, ensuring appropriate actions are taken. The governor responsible for safeguarding actively supports and challenges the safeguarding team, ensuring compliance with necessary checks on staff. Staff are well-trained in safeguarding procedures, and parents feel confident that their concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.
The inspection explored how the creative curriculum meets the diverse needs of pupils. The curriculum is child-led and regularly reviewed to ensure it remains relevant and engaging. Enrichment activities promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, with immersive experiences in various cultures. Classroom environments are designed to cater to sensory and learning needs, allowing pupils to engage more independently. Staff are encouraged to innovate in their teaching methods, leading to notable improvements in pupil progress, including significant advancements in handwriting.
The use of additional funding to support disadvantaged pupils was also examined. Governors emphasize that this funding is aimed at broadening pupils' experiences, ensuring they have access to enriching cultural events. Activities such as visits to art galleries and local parks enhance pupils' social and communication skills. Therapeutic support, including play therapy and yoga, addresses the emotional and sensory needs of disadvantaged pupils, enabling them to engage more effectively in learning.
Pupils make exceptional progress from their starting points due to detailed assessments and careful planning by teachers. The school has developed a system to accurately record holistic progress, sharing small achievements with parents, who appreciate the personalized approach. Attendance is closely monitored, with the pastoral team working with parents to address barriers. While health issues among some pupils impact overall attendance, the school is committed to supporting families in overcoming these challenges.
In summary, Kingfisher Special School exemplifies outstanding educational practices, with a strong leadership team, effective safeguarding, a creative curriculum, and a commitment to supporting all pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged. The school’s dedication to continuous improvement and community involvement contributes to the exceptional progress and well-being of its pupils.