Harris Academy Rainham is a secondary comprehensive school located in the London Borough of Havering. The school has been rated as good in its recent inspection, which took place on May 15 and 16, 2019. The leadership and management of the school are effective, with leaders demonstrating high aspirations for pupil achievement. They possess a solid understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement, actively seeking to enhance the educational experience for all students. The governance of the school is robust, providing both support and challenge to the leadership team. Staff members express pride in their work environment and appreciate the professional development opportunities available to them.
Pupils at Harris Academy Rainham feel safe and supported, with staff being approachable for any concerns. The school collaborates effectively with various partners to assist vulnerable students. The quality of teaching is generally strong, although some inconsistencies exist across different subjects. Most pupils exhibit good behavior in lessons and throughout the school, demonstrating politeness and courtesy. The progress of students with special educational needs and disabilities is improving, aligning more closely with their peers. Overall attendance rates are above the national average, although the progress of disadvantaged pupils remains a key focus for the school.
The curriculum has seen positive changes, but leaders recognize the need to evaluate its impact, particularly at key stage three, to ensure it effectively develops pupils' knowledge and skills. The school offers a range of extracurricular activities, although participation is not universal, which limits opportunities for personal and social development. The inspection highlighted the need for comprehensive plans to assess the curriculum's impact on pupil outcomes and to ensure consistently high-quality teaching across all subjects.
In terms of personal development, behavior, and welfare, the school promotes a strong ethos centered around belonging, belief, and becoming. Pupils are encouraged to respect diversity and engage in leadership opportunities, such as participating in the school council. While pupils feel confident in discussing issues with staff, they desire more established channels for voicing broader concerns. The school effectively teaches pupils about safety, including online safety, and addresses issues such as bullying and radicalization.
Behavior within the school is generally good, with pupils adhering to expectations and demonstrating respect towards one another and staff. The school has implemented effective pastoral systems to support behavior management, resulting in a decrease in incidents of poor behavior and exclusions. Attendance is above the national average, although further efforts are needed to improve attendance among disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs.
In terms of academic outcomes, pupils have performed well in recent GCSE examinations, with overall progress and attainment above national averages. However, the progress of disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs has been identified as an area requiring further attention. Current assessment data indicates that pupils are making better progress, particularly in core subjects, although inconsistencies remain. The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils, regardless of their background, achieve their full potential and are well-prepared for their future education and careers.