Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Woodfield Primary School on May 1, 2019, and the findings indicate that the school continues to maintain a good standard of education. The leadership team has effectively addressed previous areas for improvement and has established a strong vision for learning, fostering high expectations among staff and pupils. This has contributed to the school’s rapid improvement and its capacity for further development.
The headteacher, Mrs. Helen Harrison, has successfully built a team of high-quality educators who are committed to enhancing teaching and learning. Staff morale is high, and there is a shared determination to provide an excellent education for all pupils. The leadership team possesses a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and areas needing development, leading to improvements in the curriculum that have resulted in noticeable progress for pupils.
Governors play an active role in supporting and challenging the school, utilizing various data and reports to assess its effectiveness. They are ambitious for the school and fully support the headteacher’s initiatives to enhance learning experiences. The previous inspection highlighted the need to improve teaching quality to boost pupil achievement, a goal that has been successfully met. Teachers have engaged in professional development that has significantly enhanced their practice, leading to improved outcomes, particularly in key stage two.
While reading and mathematics standards are well above national averages, writing remains an area for improvement. The school has made significant investments in the early years, enhancing the learning environment and providing stimulating opportunities for children to learn both indoors and outdoors. The early years leader is skilled and ensures that staff receive high-quality training to support children’s progress.
Safeguarding measures at the school are robust, with a strong culture of safety and effective procedures in place. Staff are well-trained to recognize and respond to safeguarding concerns, ensuring that vulnerable pupils receive the necessary support. The inspection findings confirm that the school is developing a broad and balanced curriculum, providing meaningful learning experiences across various subjects. Pupils are making good progress in subjects such as history, geography, and art.
Reading outcomes have improved significantly, with a strong emphasis on developing pupils’ reading skills. The teaching of phonics is effective, and additional support is provided to pupils who need it, particularly those who are new to the school. However, writing remains a challenge, with many pupils not developing their skills quickly enough. There is a need for greater emphasis on vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and spelling accuracy in independent writing.
To further enhance the school’s performance, leaders and governors should focus on improving writing standards so that more pupils achieve higher levels in key stages one and two. Additionally, embedding strategies to improve spelling will be essential for ongoing development. The inspection concluded with a positive outlook for Woodfield Primary School, recognizing its strengths and the commitment of its leadership and staff to continuous improvement.