Zetland Primary School underwent a short inspection on 1 May 2019, marking the first evaluation since its previous good rating in February 2014. The inspection concluded that the school continues to maintain a good standard of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld the quality of education, fostering a vibrant and inclusive learning environment. The headteacher, Mr. Simon English, has successfully built a strong team of senior and middle leaders, contributing to a motivated staff who feel valued and trusted. This positive atmosphere is reflected in the high morale among staff, who take pride in their work at the school.
Since joining the Ironstone Multi-Academy Trust in October 2016, the school has benefited from collaborative working and shared expertise while retaining its unique aspects, such as a creative curriculum that students highly value. Pupils express enthusiasm for their learning experiences, highlighting the exciting opportunities provided by the school. The leadership has invested in high-quality training for new leaders, enabling them to effectively monitor pupil progress and enhance teaching quality.
Pupils at Zetland Primary are proud of their school and speak highly of their teachers and the supportive environment. They appreciate the various roles and responsibilities available to them, which help them develop leadership skills and contribute positively to the school community. The majority of parents and carers support the school, describing it as a welcoming and caring environment that prepares children well for secondary education. Parents value the range of extracurricular activities offered, including breakfast and after-school clubs.
The school has successfully addressed previous inspection recommendations, particularly in improving the quality of teaching. The effectiveness of teaching and learning has increased, with a focus on challenging the most able pupils in mathematics and writing. Consequently, the proportions of pupils meeting expected standards have improved over time. However, while progress is evident, the proportions of children exceeding early learning goals and attaining higher standards at the end of key stage one remain below national averages.
The local governing body plays a crucial role in the strategic development of the school, with governors committed to supporting the school and understanding the importance of monitoring the progress of disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs. They have received training to fulfill their roles effectively, including safeguarding training.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with a strong culture of safety throughout the school. Staff are well-trained in safeguarding protocols, ensuring that vulnerable pupils receive appropriate support. Pupils feel safe and confident in discussing safety issues, including online safety, and report that bullying is rare.
The inspection findings indicate that leaders have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. They have developed plans to address barriers to learning for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs, resulting in strong progress for these groups. While attainment in reading, writing, and mathematics at the end of Year 6 has been above the national average, there is a need to focus on increasing the proportions of pupils achieving higher standards in earlier key stages.
Attendance has been a concern, with current rates falling below the national average. The school is actively working to improve attendance, particularly among specific pupil groups. The next steps for the school include ensuring that more pupils exceed early learning goals and attain higher standards, enhancing vocabulary development for reading comprehension and writing, and improving overall attendance rates to align with national averages.