Atlas Community Primary School, located in Manningham, Bradford, underwent an inspection on November 2 and 3, 2022. The overall effectiveness of the school was rated as requiring improvement, with specific areas of strength and areas needing development identified. The quality of education was also rated as requiring improvement, while behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision were all rated as good.
Pupils at Atlas Community Primary School demonstrate kindness and respect towards one another. The school places a strong emphasis on personal development, fostering well-rounded citizens who are confident and compassionate. The behaviour policy is consistently applied by staff, encouraging pupils to engage positively in their learning environment. Pupils understand the consequences of their actions and appreciate the rewards system in place, which contributes to a positive atmosphere during lessons and breaks. The school has established effective communication with families regarding bullying, ensuring that pupils feel safe and supported in reporting any concerns.
The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including yoga, dance fitness, and baking, which pupils enjoy. Leadership opportunities are available for pupils, such as school councillor roles, and some pupils take the initiative to run their own clubs for charitable causes. This engagement fosters a sense of responsibility and community involvement among the students.
Since the last inspection, significant improvements have been made by the school leaders, who recognize the importance of a broad and ambitious curriculum. The curriculum is designed to provide pupils with diverse experiences, including outdoor learning and music education. However, there are concerns regarding the retention of knowledge, as some pupils struggle to remember previously learned material. For instance, Year 5 pupils in music have difficulty recalling composers and specific vocabulary. Leaders acknowledge the need for better assessment systems to gauge pupils' understanding and knowledge retention.
Reading is a priority at the school, with a newly developed library that has sparked enthusiasm among pupils. Phonics instruction begins in Reception, and interventions are provided for those needing extra support. However, some staff lack adequate training in delivering phonics lessons effectively, leading to inconsistencies in teaching quality. This has resulted in some pupils falling behind in their reading skills, lacking fluency and accuracy.
In the early years, children make good progress due to a well-designed curriculum that maintains high levels of engagement. Staff facilitate activities effectively, promoting sharing and turn-taking among children. The school is committed to inclusivity, ensuring that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities work closely with their peers. Staff receive training to support inclusive practices, and leaders work diligently to provide appropriate support for these pupils.
Attendance is actively promoted, with robust procedures in place to address absenteeism. Pupils are educated on the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle and understanding issues related to prejudice and diversity. The curriculum includes carefully selected literature that addresses equality and diversity, fostering an understanding of different faiths and cultures.
Governance at the school is effective, with trustees providing support and challenge to school leaders. Staff morale is high, and leaders are mindful of workload and well-being, especially during staffing changes. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize signs of neglect or abuse. Leaders ensure that pupils are educated on safety, including online safety, and provide support for those with social, emotional, and mental health needs.
Despite the strengths identified, the school must address the variability in phonics teaching and ensure that all staff receive appropriate training. Timely and regular interventions for struggling readers are essential to help them catch up. Additionally, the implementation of the curriculum needs to be consistent across year groups, with a focus on revisiting prior learning to enhance retention and application of knowledge. Addressing misconceptions and providing support for pupils who fall behind will be crucial for their academic success. Overall, while Atlas Community Primary School has made commendable progress, continued efforts are needed to enhance the quality of education and ensure all pupils achieve their potential.