Sawtry Junior Academy, located in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, has undergone significant improvements since its transition to an academy in November 2016. The school has established a stable leadership team and a consistent teaching staff, which has positively impacted the overall environment for both pupils and staff. The recent inspection conducted in October 2019 rated the school as good in all areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. This marks a notable advancement from its previous status, as it had not been inspected prior to becoming an academy.
Pupils at Sawtry Junior Academy exhibit good behaviour and demonstrate a clear understanding of expectations. They enjoy their time at school, particularly during break times, where they engage in various activities and games facilitated by staff. The school fosters a safe environment, and pupils report that bullying is infrequent. When incidents do occur, staff address them promptly and effectively, ensuring a supportive atmosphere.
The leadership team is committed to the academic success of every pupil. Since the academy's establishment, there has been a marked improvement in national assessment results, indicating that pupils are well-prepared for their next educational steps by the end of Year 6. The curriculum is designed to support effective learning, particularly in core subjects such as English, mathematics, and science. Disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and disabilities are supported well and achieve at levels comparable to their peers.
Teaching practices have improved significantly, with staff receiving appropriate training to enhance their instructional methods. The school has implemented a structured approach to teaching reading, which includes daily lessons focused on vocabulary development and comprehension. This method has proven effective, as pupils demonstrate fluency and competence in reading at age-appropriate levels. Similarly, in mathematics, teachers follow well-planned strategies that enable pupils to develop confidence and proficiency in numerical skills.
While the school has made commendable progress in developing its curriculum, there are areas that require further attention. Some subjects, including history, geography, art, design technology, computing, and languages, need clearer planning regarding the knowledge and skills pupils should acquire at each year level. The sequencing of topics and the time allocated for each subject also need refinement to ensure a coherent learning experience.
Pupils are encouraged to think critically and engage in constructive discussions, which fosters maturity and empathy. Initiatives such as community projects help pupils understand their role in the wider world and develop compassion for others. The school promotes a strong safeguarding culture, with effective measures in place to ensure the safety and welfare of all pupils. Staff are well-trained in safeguarding procedures and are vigilant in identifying and addressing any concerns.
In summary, Sawtry Junior Academy has made significant strides in creating a positive and effective learning environment. The school is dedicated to continuous improvement, with a focus on enhancing its curriculum and ensuring that all pupils receive a high-quality education. The commitment of the leadership team and staff to the well-being and academic success of pupils is evident, and the school is on a promising path toward further development.