Halstow Primary School, located in Greenwich, London, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy. The inspection, conducted on 21 and 22 September 2021, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good, with outstanding ratings in behaviour and attitudes, as well as personal development. The quality of education and early years provision were also rated as good, while leadership and management received a good rating.
The school is characterized by a warm and welcoming environment, fostering a strong sense of community where every pupil is included and encouraged to achieve. Pupils feel safe, happy, and engaged in their learning, demonstrating resilience and confidence. The behaviour of students is exemplary, with a culture of respect and care for one another. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, staff address them promptly, ensuring support for both the victim and the perpetrator.
Leaders and staff at Halstow Primary School are committed to providing enriching experiences for pupils. They have organized unique activities, such as live-streaming the birth of a lamb and participating in the Young Voices concert. Parents and carers express high levels of satisfaction with the school, particularly appreciating the support provided during national lockdowns. The school prioritizes the mental and physical well-being of its students, fostering a strong character among pupils.
The curriculum at Halstow Primary School is carefully designed, ambitious, and covers a wide range of subjects. It effectively develops key concepts over time, with a strong emphasis on reading. The school promotes a love of reading through well-resourced book corners and engaging classroom displays. Reception Year pupils receive a solid foundation in phonics, and those with special educational needs and disabilities are supported to access the same learning as their peers. However, there is a need for more focused support for pupils in Year 3 and above who require assistance in improving their reading fluency.
In mathematics, pupils build on previous knowledge to acquire new skills, with teachers demonstrating strong subject knowledge and high expectations. The history and science curricula are well-structured, focusing on essential knowledge and vocabulary. Nonetheless, some lessons lack emphasis on checking prior knowledge, which could enhance pupils' learning in subsequent lessons.
Pupils engage in a variety of activities beyond the curriculum, which are coherently planned to enrich their educational experience. Strong working relationships between staff and pupils contribute to a positive learning environment, where all students can thrive. British values are effectively promoted through the curriculum, assemblies, and discussions, with pupils demonstrating a solid understanding of democracy and diversity.
The school's safeguarding arrangements are robust, with effective systems in place to monitor concerns and ensure safe recruitment practices. Staff are well-trained to identify and respond to potential risks, and pupils are educated about the dangers they may face.
To improve, the school should ensure that subjects like science allow sufficient time for pupils to deepen their understanding of key concepts. Additionally, leaders need to provide more opportunities for pupils to practice and recall important knowledge outlined in the curriculum. Addressing the reading needs of some Year 3 pupils will also be essential for their progress.
Overall, Halstow Primary School is a nurturing and effective educational institution that prioritizes the well-being and development of its pupils while maintaining high standards of education and care.