Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Whitecliffe Academy on 11 July 2019, following the previous inspection in November 2011, which rated the school as good. The current inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain this good standard. The leadership team, under Mr. Rob Cole, has successfully upheld the quality of education and fostered a strong sense of community and clear values since his appointment in September 2017. Pupils take pride in the school motto, which emphasizes striving for personal bests in all endeavors.
The collaboration between Mr. Cole and the executive headteacher from Teesside Learning Trust has established high expectations for pupil achievement. Professional development for senior and middle leaders has been prioritized, leading to accurate self-evaluation and informed school development priorities. Staff feedback indicates that professional development is effectively utilized to support and challenge teachers, resulting in improved teaching quality and pupil outcomes.
Pupils express enthusiasm for attending Whitecliffe Academy, appreciating the various leadership roles available to them, such as play leaders and eco-warriors. They demonstrate aspirations for future careers in diverse fields, reflecting the school's positive influence on their ambitions. Parents and carers have also voiced strong support for the school, noting the significant progress their children make and the accessibility of staff for concerns.
The leadership has addressed previous areas for improvement, fostering an aspirational culture where pupils of all abilities have high expectations for their achievements. The sharing of effective practices within the school and across the multi-academy trust has contributed to this progress. The school has seen improvements in boys' writing standards, although challenges remain in ensuring consistent attainment across all key stages.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with a strong culture of safety established throughout the school. The designated safeguarding leader emphasizes the importance of addressing safeguarding matters, resulting in effective systems for reporting and supporting vulnerable pupils. Pupils feel safe and are educated on maintaining safety both in school and online, with a strong stance against bullying.
The inspection highlighted the positive learning environment created by leaders at all levels, with the local governing body actively involved in the school's strategic development. However, there is a need for more opportunities for the academy council members to enhance their governance skills. While the school has made strides in attendance, reducing the number of absences and exclusions, there is still work to be done in ensuring all pupils, particularly the most able, engage thoroughly with their work and mathematical reasoning.
Next steps for the school include encouraging pupils to check their work more diligently, enhancing the presentation of work in writing and mathematics, and providing increased strategic training for academy council members. Overall, Whitecliffe Academy demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and fostering an environment where pupils can thrive academically and personally.