St Felix Roman Catholic Primary School in Haverhill, Suffolk, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, which rated it as inadequate. The recent inspection, conducted on June 19 and 20, 2024, has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The headteacher, Andi Dodds, leads the school, which is part of the Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Multi Academy Trust, overseen by CEO Flavio Vettese and a board of trustees chaired by Paul Bergin.
Pupils at St Felix enjoy their educational experience, benefiting from the substantial enhancements made to the school environment and curriculum. From their early years in nursery, children learn that education is both important and enjoyable. The school provides high-quality learning activities that foster exploration and curiosity, helping children develop into confident learners with a broad range of knowledge and skills. By the end of Year 6, pupils are well-prepared for the transition to secondary school.
The school’s Catholic ethos is well-embedded, creating an environment where every pupil feels valued and encouraged to reach their full potential. During lessons, students collaborate effectively and celebrate each other's achievements, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring full inclusion. The curriculum is ambitious and well-organized, with staff receiving the necessary guidance and training to deliver effective learning experiences. This has resulted in strong achievements, particularly in English and mathematics, where pupils perform well above national averages.
However, the inspection identified areas for improvement. In some subjects, the curriculum plans require pupils to learn too much in a short time, which can hinder their ability to gain a deep understanding of the material. This can lead to gaps in knowledge retention, as pupils may forget key information. The school is working on refining its assessment strategies to better track what pupils remember from previous terms and years, ensuring that any gaps in knowledge are addressed promptly.
Reading is a notable strength at St Felix, with staff consistently implementing effective strategies to teach reading skills. From nursery through to key stage 1, pupils receive strong support to become fluent readers, with additional help provided for those who struggle. The school is proactive in identifying the needs of pupils with special educational needs, collaborating with external specialists to ensure appropriate support is in place.
Pupils demonstrate exemplary behaviour, adhering to the school’s high expectations. Classrooms are orderly, and routines are well established, contributing to a conducive learning environment. The school also offers a robust personal development program, with enriching educational visits that complement classroom learning. Pupils engage in thoughtful discussions about their beliefs and those of others, fostering respect for diverse lifestyles and beliefs.
Leaders at St Felix have gained the confidence of parents and staff, who express satisfaction with the school’s improvements and the positive learning environment. The trustees and governors provide essential support and challenge to ensure ongoing progress. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, contributing to a safe and nurturing atmosphere for all pupils. Overall, St Felix Roman Catholic Primary School has made commendable strides in its educational provision, creating a supportive and effective learning environment for its pupils.