Parkgate Primary School in Coventry has been inspected and received a rating of good across all areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school emphasizes the well-being and care of its pupils, fostering an inclusive environment where high ambitions are set for every student. The pupils are described as courteous, welcoming, and friendly, showing a genuine enjoyment for learning and attending school. Relationships between teachers and pupils are warm and respectful, contributing to a positive atmosphere.
Pupils demonstrate good behavior, often working hard and striving for success. The lessons are calm and orderly, and during playtime, pupils engage positively with one another. Incidents of bullying are rare, and pupils feel confident that their teachers will address any issues that arise. The school places a strong emphasis on mental well-being, with support systems in place for those who may be struggling.
The curriculum at Parkgate is ambitious and offers a wide range of subjects. Most lessons are well-planned and sequenced, allowing pupils to develop good skills and knowledge. However, some subjects, particularly geography and history, are taught in a themed manner that does not provide enough opportunities for pupils to embed their learning over time. Leaders are aware of this and are working on new curriculum plans to address the issue.
Pupils achieve well in subjects where the curriculum is well sequenced, such as mathematics and physical education. Teachers create engaging lessons that clearly outline learning objectives, helping pupils to remember and apply their knowledge effectively. Reading is a priority at the school, with pupils enjoying daily story time and having access to a variety of interesting texts in the new library. The teaching of phonics is well-structured, and staff are quick to identify pupils who may need additional support, ensuring timely interventions.
The school provides effective support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, with targeted assistance to help them succeed. However, there are instances where the support provided in some lessons is inconsistent, leading to disengagement among some pupils. The early years provision is strong, with children settling well and enjoying a language-rich environment that promotes communication skills.
Pupils' personal development is well-supported through a comprehensive PSHE curriculum that covers important topics such as mental well-being and citizenship. Leaders and governors are knowledgeable about the school and work collaboratively to improve standards. They regularly review practices and seek external support when necessary. Staff feel valued and believe that their well-being is considered in decision-making processes.
The safeguarding arrangements at Parkgate are effective, with all staff trained to prioritize pupil safety. Concerns are reported promptly, and the school maintains accurate records of safeguarding measures. The Overcoming Barriers team provides additional support to pupils and families in need.
To improve further, the school needs to enhance the sequencing of the curriculum in foundation subjects and ensure that all staff are adequately trained to support pupils with special educational needs consistently. Overall, Parkgate Primary School is a nurturing environment where pupils thrive academically and personally, preparing them well for their future.