Lutley Primary School, located in Halesowen, West Midlands, has been rated as a good school following its inspection in March 2019. The headteacher and senior leadership team demonstrate strong leadership and a commitment to the school's vision of fostering an environment where all pupils can thrive. They have established a culture of high expectations and continuous professional development, which has positively impacted the quality of teaching. Staff are encouraged to reflect on their practices, leading to a good standard of teaching across the school.
The school has a clear understanding of its strengths and areas for improvement. Leaders have identified the right priorities for development and have implemented plans to address them. The provision for pupils' personal development and welfare is particularly noteworthy, with pupils demonstrating a strong understanding of their rights and responsibilities. They are well-prepared for the next stages of their education, and the school promotes a positive atmosphere where pupils feel safe and valued.
Teaching is engaging, with lessons designed to motivate pupils and foster a love of learning. Pupils are making good progress in core subjects such as English and mathematics, although there are instances where activities do not sufficiently challenge the most able pupils. Leaders regularly monitor pupils' progress and provide support for those at risk of falling behind, ensuring that all pupils receive the help they need to succeed.
Pupils enjoy attending school and exhibit positive attitudes towards learning. The school environment is calm and purposeful, with effective behavior management strategies in place. Children in the early years make good progress, developing into confident learners ready for future challenges. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in enhancing pupils' reading skills and ensuring that the curriculum is taught in sufficient depth across all subjects, including history and geography.
Governance has been strengthened, with governors beginning to hold leaders accountable for the quality of teaching and pupils' outcomes. They are becoming more involved in monitoring the use of pupil premium and sports premium funding to ensure it effectively supports disadvantaged pupils. The school has established strong partnerships with parents, who are actively engaged in their children's education.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with a culture of safety embedded within the school. Staff are well-trained and aware of their responsibilities in keeping pupils safe. The school has robust procedures in place for reporting concerns and works closely with external agencies when necessary.
Overall, Lutley Primary School is a good school that provides a supportive and nurturing environment for its pupils. While there are areas that require further development, particularly in challenging the most able pupils and deepening the curriculum, the school is well-positioned to continue its journey of improvement. The commitment of the leadership team, the quality of teaching, and the positive relationships fostered within the school community contribute to a strong foundation for future success.