Mellis Church of England Primary School, located in Eye, Suffolk, has been evaluated as a good school following its inspection in January 2019. The leadership and management of the school are deemed effective, with leaders having accurately identified areas for improvement and successfully addressing the decline in progress in reading, writing, and mathematics. The multi-academy trust provides strong support to the school, helping to raise standards and improve pupil outcomes. The nurturing ethos of the school, combined with a rich and varied curriculum, contributes positively to the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of pupils.
Pupil welfare is a priority for school leaders, who ensure that all students, especially the most vulnerable, receive the necessary support to access their learning and make good progress. The school has effective provisions in place for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, enabling them to achieve well from their starting points. Strong leadership in mathematics and English has resulted in good overall progress for current pupils across both key stages. Early years provision is also strong, with children making good progress due to effective teaching and support.
The curriculum is broad and engaging, allowing pupils to excel in various subjects, including sports, music, and modern foreign languages. Parents and carers express high levels of satisfaction with the school's leadership and the opportunities provided for their children. Pupils feel happy, safe, and well cared for, with effective safeguarding processes in place.
Despite the overall good progress, there are areas for improvement. Leaders need to enhance their understanding of how teachers utilize information about pupil progress to inform their teaching. Some teachers do not consistently plan tasks that consider pupils' individual starting points, particularly in writing and mathematics, which can hinder progress. Additionally, there is variability in the standards of presentation in pupils' work across different subjects.
Governance at the school is strong, with governors having a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development. They actively support and challenge school leaders, ensuring accountability for pupil achievement. The school has effective systems in place for monitoring attendance and addressing any concerns promptly.
In terms of teaching quality, the school demonstrates good subject knowledge across all year groups, with improvements noted in the teaching of English and mathematics. The teaching of phonics is particularly strong, contributing to high results in the phonics screening check. However, there are instances where teachers do not fully consider pupils' prior knowledge, which can lead to disengagement and missed opportunities for higher attainment.
Pupils' personal development and welfare are well supported, with a focus on emotional well-being and mental health. The school promotes positive attitudes towards learning, and pupils demonstrate respect and politeness towards each other and staff. Behaviour is generally good, although some pupils may lose focus when tasks are not well planned.
Overall, Mellis Church of England Primary School is a good school with effective leadership, a supportive environment, and a commitment to improving pupil outcomes. Continued focus on enhancing teaching practices and ensuring consistent high standards across all subjects will further strengthen the school's performance.