Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Holly Lodge Primary School on 11 December 2018, following the previous inspection in March 2013, which rated the school as good. The findings indicate that the school continues to maintain a good standard of education. The leadership team, under Mr. Steven Meakin, demonstrates strong vision and commitment, ensuring that all pupils are encouraged to be ambitious and achieve well. The school environment is described as exciting and vibrant, with a clear understanding of its strengths and areas for improvement. The leadership team effectively analyzes pupil achievement, leading to a sharp evaluation of the school's effectiveness.
Pupils express feeling safe and enjoy learning, attributing this to well-planned events that address important safety issues. They appreciate the engaging teaching methods and the dedication of staff who invest time in preparing lessons and providing feedback. The behavior of pupils is commendable, as they are thoughtful and sensible in their interactions and movements around the school. Most parents and carers hold positive views about the school, noting that their children are happy, safe, and making good progress.
Governors and trustees possess a strong understanding of the school's strengths and priorities, demonstrating high aspirations for both staff and pupils. They are well-informed about safeguarding procedures, ensuring that all necessary checks are in place to protect children. The leadership team has effectively addressed areas for improvement identified in the previous inspection, with subject leaders actively contributing to the school's progress and being held accountable for pupil outcomes.
The school has implemented a comprehensive training program for potential leaders, fostering the development of leadership skills among staff. Teachers provide opportunities for pupils to engage in extended writing across various genres, and in mathematics, they offer a range of challenging tasks that promote rapid progress. However, there is a need for more consistent challenges in problem-solving to strengthen pupils' mathematical skills further.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with all staff receiving regular training and updates to ensure they are well-informed about the latest guidance. The school collaborates with various agencies to safeguard children, addressing concerns rigorously and ensuring that pupils and their families receive appropriate support. Pupils are aware of different forms of bullying and feel confident that any issues will be addressed promptly.
The inspection revealed that pupils make good progress in mathematics, with effective assessment systems in place to identify those who may be falling behind. However, there are instances where expectations for pupils' achievements in mathematics are too low, which can slow the pace of learning. The school has made significant strides in improving the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils, with their achievements in writing and mathematics showing marked improvement.
Leaders at all levels are a significant strength of the school, with subject and middle leaders playing a crucial role in developing and evaluating improvement priorities. The curriculum has been enhanced to provide a wide range of experiences that promote learning beyond the classroom. Attendance for disadvantaged pupils has improved and is now close to the national average, thanks to effective engagement strategies and incentives.
The next steps for the school include ensuring that teachers plan mathematics learning that challenges all pupils appropriately to improve their outcomes. The inspection findings highlight the overall effectiveness of the school and the commitment of its leadership and staff to continuous improvement.