Hartford Junior School, located in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, has recently undergone an inspection that has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good. This marks a significant improvement for the school, which had previously faced a series of 'requires improvement' judgments. The positive change is attributed to the effective leadership of the headteacher, deputy headteacher, and other leaders who have set high expectations for pupils, staff, and themselves. The school is committed to ensuring that every pupil receives the support they need to succeed, particularly those with special educational needs and disabilities. The introduction of additional teaching groups, referred to as 'hubs,' has been beneficial in addressing the specific needs of these pupils.
Students at Hartford Junior School express a strong enjoyment of their educational experience, appreciating the diverse range of subjects and tasks they engage with. The school has fostered an environment where bullying is infrequent, and pupils feel confident in reporting any incidents to staff, who are seen as capable of resolving issues promptly. The school has made significant strides in improving its curriculum, with well-structured plans in place for most subjects. However, there are still areas that require further development, particularly in computing, design technology, music, and French, where clarity regarding the progression of skills and knowledge is lacking.
The school has implemented an 'apprenticeships' program that allows every pupil to participate in a group focused on a specific area of work, enhancing their understanding of various professions through visits and guest speakers. Reading instruction is effectively continued from the pupils' previous education, with most students achieving fluency and comprehension by the time they leave the school. Teachers utilize a variety of high-quality literature to enrich the reading experience.
Teaching practices have improved, with educators quickly identifying when pupils struggle and providing additional explanations or support to facilitate understanding. The standards in reading, writing, and mathematics are comparable to those of other schools nationwide, and pupils with special educational needs are making commendable progress. The school emphasizes the importance of revisiting previously learned material to reinforce knowledge as students advance to new topics.
Pupil behavior is commendable, with students following instructions and demonstrating a keen interest in learning. They are able to concentrate during lessons and are rarely distracted by their peers. The school promotes equality and fairness, integrating these values into daily operations and reinforcing them during assemblies and discussions.
The safeguarding measures in place are robust, ensuring that only suitable individuals work with pupils. Staff receive regular training on safeguarding protocols, enabling them to recognize and report any concerns effectively. Pupils feel secure in their environment and trust that staff prioritize their well-being.
Despite the positive aspects, the school acknowledges the need for further improvement in the coherence and sequencing of its curriculum in certain subjects. Leaders are actively working on refining the curriculum for the upcoming year and training staff to enhance delivery. The development of the French program is also a focus, as teachers require additional subject knowledge to teach it effectively. Overall, Hartford Junior School is on a positive trajectory, with a commitment to continuous improvement and a focus on providing quality education for all its pupils.