Vale of York Academy is a welcoming and friendly secondary school located in York, North Yorkshire. The school has undergone significant transformation over the past two years, resulting in a positive environment where pupils enjoy learning. Staff, parents, and carers express confidence in the improvements made, highlighting the school's commitment to listening to feedback and caring for students. The school’s motto, Always giving the best, reflects the high expectations set by leaders and staff for all pupils. Relationships between teachers and students are strong, fostering a community feel where learning is engaging and enjoyable.
Pupils are encouraged to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, particularly in sports, and have access to numerous trips and visits that enhance their educational experience. In lessons, students demonstrate a strong work ethic and collaborate effectively. The school promotes a culture of respect, with pupils displaying politeness towards each other and staff. Uniform is worn with pride, and there is a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying, ensuring that pupils feel safe and supported.
The school has made notable progress in various areas, with leaders implementing a well-structured curriculum that builds pupils' knowledge and skills over time. Teachers exhibit strong subject knowledge and utilize effective questioning techniques to reinforce learning. While the quality of work in pupils' books is commendable in key stage four, there is a need for improvement in key stage three to ensure consistency across all year groups. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate support, allowing them to access the same learning opportunities as their peers.
Attendance has been a focus for leaders, who work diligently to promote the importance of regular attendance. The attendance team collaborates with families to provide necessary support, resulting in improved overall attendance. However, there remains a challenge with disadvantaged pupils being more likely to be absent compared to their peers. The school offers a comprehensive program of activities, including residential trips and opportunities for work experience, particularly for older pupils in years ten and eleven. However, careers education for key stage three students requires further development to match the strengths seen in key stage four.
The principal and senior leaders are dedicated to the school and work cohesively as a team. The governance structure provides strong oversight, with trustees offering effective support in various areas, including professional development for staff. Safeguarding measures are robust, with accurate records and thorough recruitment checks in place to ensure the safety of pupils. Staff and pupils are well-informed about safeguarding procedures, contributing to a culture of vigilance within the school.
To further enhance the quality of education, leaders must focus on strengthening the curriculum by ensuring that connections between different subjects are fully integrated. This will enable pupils to better apply prior knowledge to new learning experiences. Additionally, efforts should continue to reduce variations in the standards of written work across key stages, particularly in key stage three. Improving attendance, especially for disadvantaged pupils, remains a priority. By addressing these areas, Vale of York Academy can continue to build on its successes and provide an excellent educational experience for all its students.