Hodge Hill Primary School, located in Birmingham, has recently undergone an inspection that resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place on June 13 and 14, 2023, and marked a significant improvement from the previous inspection, which rated the school as requiring improvement. The school is characterized by its inclusive environment, welcoming pupils from diverse backgrounds and fostering strong relationships with parents and the community. Parents have expressed high levels of satisfaction with the leadership and support provided by the staff.
Pupils at Hodge Hill Primary School enjoy their time at school and feel safe, demonstrating trust in the staff to address any concerns they may have. The behavior of pupils is commendable, as they are polite and exhibit good conduct both in lessons and throughout the school. They are well-informed about bullying and understand the importance of taking action if they witness it. The school effectively addresses any incidents of bullying or inappropriate behavior.
The school promotes positive attitudes towards learning among all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Pupils are encouraged to be resilient and independent learners, often attempting to solve problems before seeking assistance. The curriculum is well-structured, particularly in English and mathematics, which contributes to the pupils' strong academic performance.
Leaders have made significant strides in addressing weaknesses identified in the previous inspection. The curriculum has been improved and is now designed to build knowledge sequentially from Reception to Year 6. Teachers actively check pupils' understanding during lessons and through assessments, allowing leaders to track academic progress effectively. However, this approach is less established in some subjects, leading to challenges for pupils in retaining knowledge over time.
Reading is a priority for the school, with leaders determined to ensure that all pupils learn to read and develop a love for reading. A new library is set to open, and a revised phonics teaching approach has been successfully implemented. While phonics instruction is strong, some early readers are taking home books that do not align with their phonics knowledge, hindering their progress.
The school has effective systems in place to support pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they have access to the same curriculum as their peers. Staff provide tailored support and resources, and younger pupils with complex needs receive appropriate care while also participating in mainstream lessons.
In the early years, children quickly learn to behave well, follow instructions, and take responsibility for their environment. Disruptions in classrooms are minimal, allowing teachers to focus on instruction. Pupils demonstrate respect and tolerance towards others, understanding fundamental British values and how they relate to life in modern Britain.
While attendance has improved, there are still concerns regarding persistent absenteeism, particularly among pupils with special educational needs. Leaders are committed to working with families to emphasize the importance of regular attendance.
Staff at Hodge Hill Primary School feel valued and respected, appreciating the support and consideration shown by leaders regarding their well-being. The chief executive officer provides effective support and challenge to school leaders, while trustees actively monitor school improvement.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are robust, with leaders prioritizing the safety and well-being of pupils. Staff are well-trained to recognize signs of abuse and respond appropriately to concerns. The curriculum includes lessons on online safety and local dangers, reinforcing important safety messages.
Overall, Hodge Hill Primary School has made commendable progress since its last inspection, with a strong focus on creating a positive learning environment and ensuring that all pupils achieve their potential. However, there are areas for further improvement, particularly in aligning reading materials with phonics instruction and enhancing assessment practices across the curriculum.