Boney Hay Primary Academy is recognized as a good school, providing a welcoming and friendly environment for its pupils. The school fosters a sense of safety and care, with students expressing trust in their teachers who know them well. The pupils exhibit excellent manners, showing respect and kindness to everyone around them. High expectations set by the school leaders permeate all aspects of school life, resulting in most pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have special educational needs, achieving well. The students are articulate, confident, and considerate, with bullying reported as extremely rare. When conflicts arise, staff are quick to assist in resolving issues.
The school’s motto, The child is the centre, is evident in its approach to education, where every pupil is seen as unique. Achievements are celebrated and displayed prominently, fostering a sense of pride among students. Boney Hay Primary Academy offers a diverse range of opportunities for pupils to broaden their horizons, with engaging lessons and enriching trips that enhance their learning experiences. The school prepares pupils well for their future endeavors, encouraging them to contribute positively to their community, such as through charity fundraising.
The curriculum is well-planned and covers the full range of national subjects, with teachers delivering lessons that capture pupils' interest. This approach cultivates enthusiasm for learning, and pupils take pride in their growing knowledge and skills. They gain insights into their local area through educational visits, such as to a mining museum. Teachers build on prior knowledge, ensuring that pupils retain information across various subjects. While staff have received training on the curriculum, some subject leaders lack experience, which can affect the effective delivery of the curriculum.
Pupils with special educational needs are well supported, thanks to the strong leadership of the special educational needs coordinator, who collaborates with external agencies to ensure appropriate provisions are in place. Recent efforts to improve phonics instruction have shown promise, with children in Reception starting their reading journey promptly. However, there is still work to be done to ensure all pupils reach their full potential in reading.
Reading is emphasized, with teachers encouraging daily practice at home and providing inviting reading areas. Pupils develop confidence and fluency in reading, with good comprehension skills and an expanding vocabulary. By the end of key stage two, pupils achieve well in reading. Mathematics instruction is also effective, with clear guidance provided to teachers, allowing pupils to build on their previous learning and apply their skills to problem-solving.
In the early years, children settle quickly into routines and engage in a variety of stimulating activities. Behaviour throughout the school is calm, with pupils focused and diligent in their work. Personal development is a notable strength, with opportunities for leadership roles and participation in local events enhancing pupils' experiences.
Attendance is generally good, although a small number of pupils miss too much school, which can hinder their learning. The school has effective systems in place to address attendance issues. Safeguarding measures are robust, with a strong culture of safety and well-trained staff who are vigilant in protecting pupils.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement. Consistency in the implementation of phonics strategies is needed to ensure all pupils become proficient readers. Additionally, developing the expertise of less experienced subject leaders will enhance the overall effectiveness of the curriculum delivery. Continued efforts to improve attendance for a small proportion of pupils will also be essential to ensure equitable learning opportunities for all students.