Barling Magna Primary Academy, located in Southend-on-Sea, Essex, underwent its first inspection in October 2019, following its transition to a sponsored academy in February 2017. The school has made significant strides since its predecessor, which was deemed inadequate in June 2016. The inspection report highlights the overall effectiveness of the school as good, with consistent ratings of good across various categories including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision.
Pupils at Barling Magna Primary Academy thrive in a calm and positive learning environment. They enjoy strong relationships with their peers and respond positively to the high expectations set by their teachers. The school fosters a happy atmosphere where pupils feel safe and supported, with rare instances of bullying reported. Parents appreciate the school’s community feel, noting its welcoming environment. The school’s motto, caring, learning, and achieving together, is reflected in its daily operations and interactions.
The quality of education has improved significantly under the leadership of the new head of school. Leaders have established a culture of high expectations, which has positively impacted pupil achievement and behavior. The school effectively utilizes external support to enhance its educational offerings. Teachers implement clear routines that help pupils understand behavioral expectations, contributing to a focused learning environment. Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards learning, maintaining high levels of concentration and commitment in their studies.
The curriculum is well-structured, with clear plans that align with national standards. Teachers organize topics logically, and subject leaders collaborate with colleagues across the trust to enhance their expertise. However, some subject leaders require additional time to identify further support needed for teachers to improve pupil learning outcomes in specific subjects. Reading is prioritized, with daily reading sessions and well-trained staff delivering high-quality phonics instruction. Pupils who struggle with reading are quickly identified and provided with appropriate support to help them catch up.
The school emphasizes the importance of spelling and vocabulary development. While pupils are exposed to an ambitious range of words, there is a need for teachers to equip them with strategies to independently check the meanings of unfamiliar words. Mathematics instruction is strong, with teachers effectively addressing misconceptions and ensuring pupils apply their knowledge across the curriculum.
Parental involvement is encouraged, with initiatives like family Friday allowing parents to engage in learning activities with their children. The school promotes understanding of different cultures and religions, fostering tolerance and kindness among pupils. Leadership roles are available for pupils, helping them grasp the concept of democracy.
Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is commendable, with teachers adapting work to meet individual needs. In the early years, children receive quality care and have access to a variety of activities that promote social and physical development. The focus on early language and phonics prepares children well for their transition to Year 1.
The school’s safeguarding measures are effective, with a vigilant and caring ethos established by leaders. Staff receive regular training to recognize signs of risk and are confident in reporting concerns. The school actively involves pupils in learning about safety, including online safety, and addresses local risks through assemblies and lessons.
Despite the positive aspects, the school recognizes areas for improvement. Leaders need to evaluate the support required for teachers in subjects beyond English, mathematics, science, and computing. Additionally, there is a need to enhance pupils' skills in understanding and checking the meanings of challenging vocabulary. Overall, Barling Magna Primary Academy demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils, ensuring a solid foundation for their future learning.