Holycroft Primary School, located in Keighley, West Yorkshire, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy in 2018. The inspection, conducted on 23 and 24 February 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school is recognized for its strong community ties and the aspirational leadership that supports both pupils and their families. The school offers a hub for parents to access educational courses, enhancing their ability to assist their children with learning at home. This initiative has fostered positive relationships between the school and families, contributing to a happy and confident student body.
The school environment is calm and purposeful, with pupils demonstrating good behaviour and respect for one another and adults. The pupils report that bullying is not a concern, and they feel secure in approaching trusted adults with any worries. The school has implemented effective measures for reporting concerns, such as a worry box and an anti-bullying box, ensuring that pupils understand the behaviour policy and its consequences.
Holycroft Primary School emphasizes personal development through community engagement and partnerships with local businesses. Initiatives like creating a food bank with a local supermarket help pupils develop empathy and compassion while acquiring essential academic skills. The school has also introduced a programme aimed at fostering resilience, self-awareness, and confidence through physical education.
The curriculum is tailored to the school's context, with a strong focus on phonics and early reading, addressing previous challenges in key stage one outcomes. The phonics programme is consistently taught, and staff are well-trained to support pupils in their reading journey. Pupils express enjoyment in reading and have access to a well-resourced library. However, while subjects like history have a clearly defined curriculum, others lack the same level of structure, making it difficult for pupils to articulate their learning confidently.
In early years, the curriculum is designed to meet children's starting points, prioritizing language and communication development. Although some language used may be overly ambitious, children engage well with activities that promote early literacy and mathematics skills. The special educational needs and disabilities coordinator effectively collaborates with external agencies to support pupils with SEND, ensuring they can access the curriculum alongside their peers.
The personal, social, and health education programme is relatively new, and while pupils can discuss some aspects of their learning, there are gaps in their knowledge, particularly regarding healthy relationships and understanding different faiths. The school offers a variety of extracurricular clubs, although currently, most are available only to key stage two pupils.
Leadership at Holycroft Primary School is characterized by an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. Governors are actively involved in school life and receive strong support from the trust. Staff have access to training opportunities, enhancing their professional development.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a dedicated safeguarding lead ensuring the well-being of pupils. Vulnerable pupils are quickly identified, and appropriate support is provided. The school maintains detailed safeguarding records and has established a comprehensive approach to educating pupils about safety risks.
While the school has made strides in addressing phonics and reading outcomes, some pupils still exhibit gaps in their knowledge. Leaders are encouraged to continue embedding the phonics programme and ensure consistent delivery across all subjects to enhance pupils' learning experiences. Overall, Holycroft Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and effective educational environment for its pupils.