Rainbow Forge Primary Academy in Sheffield has recently undergone an inspection, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school, which is part of the L.E.A.D Academy Trust, has shown significant improvement since its previous inspection, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The headteacher, Jane Loader, along with the trust's leadership, has worked diligently to enhance the educational experience for pupils.
Pupils at Rainbow Forge Primary Academy enjoy their time at school, characterized by a warm and welcoming atmosphere. They demonstrate politeness and consideration for one another and adults, often engaging in acts of kindness such as holding doors open. The school fosters a culture of respect and responsibility, encouraging pupils to take on roles such as eco monitors and anti-bullying ambassadors. The use of a reward system, known as rainbow money, motivates pupils to engage positively with their school community.
The school has high expectations for its pupils, who are engaged in their learning and benefit from a well-structured curriculum that promotes in-depth understanding. Behaviour in lessons and during social times is commendable, with pupils adhering to school rules and enjoying their educational activities. The curriculum is designed to build knowledge over time, with staff regularly assessing pupils to address any misconceptions promptly. However, there are inconsistencies in this practice across all foundation subjects, particularly in mixed-age classes, where teaching and assessment may not fully meet the needs of all pupils.
Reading is prioritized within the curriculum, and the school provides effective training for staff on the phonics programme, ensuring a consistent approach to teaching reading. This has resulted in pupils becoming fluent readers, with those in the early stages receiving appropriate support to catch up with their peers. Pupils express enjoyment in reading and appreciate being read to daily.
The school is attentive to the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, providing guidance to staff on how to support these pupils effectively. This ensures that they can keep pace with their peers. Attendance is also a focus, with systems in place to encourage good attendance and support families in this regard. The school has seen improvements in attendance rates.
The personal, social, and health education curriculum is well-planned, and pupils demonstrate a strong understanding of diversity and inclusion. They are aware of the importance of respecting differences in gender, race, and faith. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, which are well-attended and contribute to a vibrant school life.
In the early years, children benefit from a stimulating curriculum that prepares them for future learning stages. The environment encourages exploration and engagement, with activities designed to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge. Leaders monitor children's progress closely to ensure they are ready to transition to key stage one.
Despite the positive aspects, the school acknowledges the need for further refinement in teaching and assessment, particularly in mixed-age classes, to ensure all pupils have the opportunity to revisit and apply their knowledge effectively. The leadership team, along with the governing body and trust, is committed to providing the best educational experience for pupils, with high expectations for their achievement. The impact of the pandemic on previous cohorts is recognized, and the school continues to work closely with families to support learning at home. Staff feel valued and proud to be part of the school community, contributing to its family-like ethos.