Ofsted conducted an urgent inspection of Da Vinci Academy on July 13, 2023, to assess the effectiveness of its safeguarding arrangements following concerns raised with the organization. The inspection was led by His Majesty's Inspector and included a thorough review of the school's safeguarding practices. The findings indicate that safeguarding at Da Vinci Academy is effective.
The inspection revealed a significant change in leadership since the previous inspection, with Ann Donaghy appointed as the acting executive headteacher in March 2023. The school has also seen the departure of two deputy headteachers, who have been replaced by new appointees. School leaders prioritize safeguarding and have implemented comprehensive training for staff, ensuring that all personnel are well-informed about safeguarding protocols. Staff completed safeguarding training at the beginning of the academic year, and leaders provide weekly updates to reinforce key messages. This ongoing training helps staff identify areas needing further support, particularly regarding Early Help identification.
The school has established a strong safeguarding culture, with efficient systems for reporting concerns. Staff are encouraged to report all concerns, regardless of their perceived severity, which ensures that pupils in need of assistance are identified and supported. Leaders are proactive in contacting external agencies to provide necessary support for pupils. The recruitment procedures for new staff are rigorously followed, ensuring that all necessary checks are completed before employment.
Da Vinci Academy has developed an ambitious and effective personal, social, health, and economic education curriculum. Pupils engage seriously with their PSHE learning, which includes topics such as British values and online safety. The school organizes events like inspiration days and life lessons, which enhance pupils' understanding of these important topics. Most pupils report that they treat each other with respect, although a small number acknowledge instances of discriminatory language. Pupils express confidence that staff will address such incidents appropriately.
Pupils feel happy and safe at school, and they learn how to manage risks they may encounter in their local environment. They receive education on drug and alcohol use, online safety, and healthy relationships. While the curriculum covering relationships, sex education, and health education is a strength, pupils' understanding of extremism is less secure. Leaders recognize this gap and plan to allocate more time for key stage three pupils to reinforce this learning.
Trustees maintain appropriate oversight of safeguarding arrangements and work closely with school leaders to support and challenge them effectively. They are well-trained and knowledgeable about safeguarding matters. The school is part of the L.E.A.D Academy Trust, which provides effective support for its leaders.
Overall, the inspection concluded that Da Vinci Academy has effective safeguarding measures in place, with a strong commitment from leaders and staff to ensure the safety and well-being of all pupils. The school demonstrates a proactive approach to safeguarding, with robust systems for training, reporting, and support, creating a safe environment for its students. The positive feedback from pupils regarding their safety and the respect they experience within the school community further underscores the effectiveness of the school's safeguarding practices.