East Preston Junior School, located in Littlehampton, West Sussex, was inspected on November 19-20, 2019, and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school has made significant strides in providing a quality education, with positive feedback from pupils, parents, and staff. Pupils express enthusiasm for attending school, often sharing their daily experiences with their families. They feel safe and valued, knowing that their teachers are dedicated to their success. The school environment fosters good behavior, allowing for uninterrupted learning, and pupils demonstrate kindness and consideration during playtime. Reports indicate that bullying is infrequent, and when it does occur, staff address it promptly.
The leadership team, under the new headteacher, has ambitious goals for student learning. Teachers encourage pupils to challenge themselves and have introduced a new awards scheme that motivates students to strive for excellence. The curriculum has undergone rapid improvements, with a focus on providing a broad and deep knowledge base across various subjects. The introduction of Spanish has been well-received, and pupils are eager to engage with this new learning opportunity.
The school has prioritized reading, ensuring that pupils understand its importance and encouraging them to read widely. Teachers are attentive to the needs of weaker readers, although there is a recognition that further training in early reading strategies would benefit staff and enhance support for these pupils. Mathematics instruction is strong, with a clear focus on essential skills and understanding, leading to improved student achievement.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are well-supported, with teachers striving to include them in all lessons. The school promotes personal development, offering numerous opportunities for pupils to take on responsibilities and participate in various activities. This involvement fosters a strong sense of community and pride in representing the school.
The headteacher leads with integrity and a clear vision, garnering support from staff, pupils, and parents. The school has navigated a period of uncertainty but has shown improvement through collaboration with the multi-academy trust. Safeguarding measures are effective, with staff well-informed about their responsibilities and quick to act on any concerns. The school works closely with families and external agencies to ensure vulnerable pupils receive the necessary support.
While the school has made commendable progress, there are areas for further development. The improvements to foundation subjects are still in the early stages, and the school must adhere to its timeline to establish a fully developed curriculum within the next eighteen months. Training and support for teachers will be essential as new subject plans are implemented. Additionally, developing expertise in early reading among staff will be crucial to support younger pupils entering the junior school.
Overall, East Preston Junior School demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education, fostering a positive learning environment, and ensuring the well-being of its pupils. The leadership team is focused on continuous improvement, with a clear plan to enhance the curriculum and support for all students. The school community is engaged and supportive, contributing to a vibrant educational experience for all.