Drake Primary Academy, located in Keyham, Plymouth, is a primary school that has recently undergone its first routine inspection since the COVID-19 pandemic. The inspection, conducted on 28 and 29 September 2021, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across various categories, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school is part of the Reach South Academy Trust, which comprises 14 schools, and it operates with a strong commitment to inclusivity and diversity.
Pupils at Drake Primary Academy express enjoyment in their school experience, highlighting the supportive environment fostered by staff who go above and beyond to assist them, particularly in the wake of challenges posed by the pandemic. The school community is described as a ‘one big happy family,’ where students feel safe and valued. Behaviour is generally good, with rare instances of bullying that are promptly addressed. High expectations are set for pupils, evident in the new Reception children’s understanding of class rules and routines.
The curriculum at Drake Primary Academy is well-structured, providing a solid foundation in essential subjects such as English and mathematics. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in helping pupils make connections between different subjects. The early years foundation stage has been noted for having overly ambitious plans that may not adequately support all children in achieving their best start.
Leadership at the school is proactive, with leaders maintaining high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. They provide effective support and challenge to teachers, resulting in carefully planned learning experiences. The school environment is positive, contributing to a happy atmosphere for both staff and pupils. Leaders are committed to continuous improvement, taking swift action to address identified areas for development, such as enhancing the phonics programme following a decline in scores.
Reading is a significant focus at Drake Primary Academy, with recent improvements in the phonics programme leading to notable progress among the youngest pupils. Teachers accurately assess students' needs and tailor reading materials accordingly, ensuring that pupils, including those with special educational needs, receive appropriate support. Older pupils demonstrate a passion for reading, engaging with a variety of texts that enrich their overall learning experience.
Subject leaders are knowledgeable and ambitious, with well-thought-out curriculum plans that facilitate coherent knowledge acquisition. Despite the strengths of the curriculum, there remains a need for pupils to apply their knowledge across different contexts. For instance, when discussing historical events, pupils sometimes struggle to connect geographical information, indicating a gap in cross-curricular learning.
In the early years, while children are generally well-supported, some curriculum planning is deemed overly ambitious, leading to challenges that may hinder their learning. The school is recognized for its inclusive practices, with a strong emphasis on equality and respect for diversity. The pastoral care provided, particularly for pupils with special educational needs, is commendable, contributing to a nurturing environment.
Safeguarding measures at Drake Primary Academy are effective, with a strong culture of safety embedded within the school. Staff are vigilant and well-trained, ensuring that pupils feel secure and know how to stay safe in various situations, including online environments. Overall, while Drake Primary Academy demonstrates many strengths, there are clear areas for development, particularly in enhancing cross-curricular connections and refining early years planning to better meet the needs of all children.