Bungay Primary School, located in Suffolk, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, which rated it as inadequate. The recent inspection, conducted on May 18 and 19, 2021, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school has created a positive environment where pupils are happy and engaged in their learning. Leaders have raised expectations for both behavior and academic performance, leading to a notable improvement in pupil conduct and work ethic.
The curriculum introduced at the school has sparked interest among pupils, who are now able to articulate their learning experiences confidently. They are encouraged to challenge themselves academically, which has fostered a culture of curiosity and independence, particularly in the early years. Children in the early years demonstrate well-developed skills and enjoy activities that promote creativity and storytelling. Parents have expressed satisfaction with the changes implemented at the school, noting improved communication regarding their children's education and a collaborative approach to addressing any concerns related to well-being or behavior.
The leadership team has expanded and strengthened, resulting in a stable and skilled group of teachers who are committed to enhancing teaching and learning. Professional development opportunities have been well-received, contributing to the consistency and quality of instruction. A new curriculum for subjects such as history, geography, and science was introduced in September 2020, with teachers receiving support to ensure they were well-prepared to deliver the content effectively. Pupils are developing a deep understanding of the subjects they study, as evidenced by their ability to engage in discussions and apply specific vocabulary related to their learning.
Teachers actively assess pupils' prior knowledge and adapt their teaching to build on existing understanding. The introduction of new reading procedures has been effective, with pupils demonstrating confidence in their reading skills. Phonics instruction is consistent, enabling younger pupils to read effectively. The quality of writing among pupils has also improved, with the use of high-quality texts serving as models for good writing practices. However, there is a noted need for further development in early years writing, as children did not engage in as much writing during the school's partial closure compared to older pupils.
Pupils are aware of the expectations set by staff and are provided with differentiated challenges to ensure they are working at appropriate levels. Attendance has improved, and behavior throughout the school is calm and focused. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive effective support, with clear learning plans in place to facilitate their progress. The school has maintained a sense of community despite challenges posed by COVID-19, with virtual assemblies and discussions on significant figures and their contributions.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with well-managed procedures for addressing any concerns. Staff receive regular training and are knowledgeable about potential risks to pupils. The school’s safeguarding practices are regularly reviewed by the multi-academy trust and local authority, ensuring that all necessary pre-employment checks are conducted.
To continue improving, the school should focus on ensuring that new learning builds on prior knowledge as the curriculum becomes more established. Additionally, there is a need to provide more opportunities for writing in the early years to enhance fluency. Overall, Bungay Primary School has made commendable progress and is well-positioned for continued success in the future.