Edgar Sewter Community Primary School, located in Halesworth, Suffolk, has undergone a significant transformation since its previous inspection, moving from a grade of Requires Improvement to an overall effectiveness rating of Good. The inspection, conducted on July 3 and 4, 2024, highlighted the positive changes implemented under the leadership of Headteacher Katherine Milk and the support of ASSET Education, the multi-academy trust to which the school belongs.
Pupils at Edgar Sewter Primary School report feeling happy and safe, with a clear understanding of the high expectations set by the school. The curriculum has been well-planned, and teaching has improved, leading to a better quality of education for students. Behavioural expectations are clearly communicated, and pupils generally adhere to the rules of being ready, respectful, and safe. This has resulted in a conducive learning environment where disruptions are minimal, allowing for effective teaching and learning.
The school has also prioritized pastoral support, recognizing the need for enhanced emotional and social well-being following the pandemic. Regular check-ins and support from trained staff help pupils manage their emotions and prepare for learning. The introduction of Forest School activities encourages risk-taking and resilience, further contributing to pupils' personal development.
Leadership opportunities for pupils are encouraged, with roles such as school and eco councillors allowing them to contribute meaningfully to school life. This involvement fosters confidence and leadership skills among students. The early years provision is particularly strong, with children in Nursery and Reception demonstrating positive learning behaviours and being well-prepared for their transition to Year 1.
Despite the overall positive findings, the inspection identified areas for improvement. While the school has made strides in establishing clear systems and expectations, some inconsistencies remain, particularly in adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The wider curriculum sometimes lacks effective adaptation, which can hinder some pupils' access to learning and result in gaps in knowledge.
The school has made commendable progress in its early reading curriculum, with staff receiving training to effectively teach reading. Pupils are matched with books that suit their reading abilities, and regular assessments ensure that any additional support is provided promptly. The structured approach to teaching core subjects is evident, and pupils are benefiting from this consistency.
The school community is generally positive, although some parents feel disconnected and desire more opportunities for communication with school leaders. Addressing these concerns is essential for fostering a stronger partnership between the school and families. Staff report feeling valued and supported, appreciating the training and resources provided to enhance their effectiveness.
The trust overseeing the school is actively involved, providing a balance of support and challenge to school leaders. Local governors are developing their roles, and ongoing training is being provided to strengthen governance.
In summary, Edgar Sewter Community Primary School has made significant improvements since its last inspection, achieving a Good rating across all areas. The school is committed to providing a high-quality education, fostering positive behaviour, and supporting the personal development of its pupils. Continued focus on adapting the curriculum to meet the diverse needs of all learners and enhancing communication with parents will further strengthen the school’s effectiveness.