Tudor Grange Samworth Academy, a Church of England school located in Leicester, has shown significant improvement since its last inspection, moving from an inadequate rating to a good overall effectiveness rating. The inspection, conducted on November 2 and 3, 2021, highlighted the positive changes made by the school leadership and staff, which have fostered a supportive and safe environment for students. Parents and carers have expressed increased confidence in the school, recognizing the values of tolerance, unity, democracy, opportunity, and respect that are integrated into the school's ethos.
The quality of education at Tudor Grange Samworth Academy is rated as good, with leaders implementing a rich and ambitious curriculum that caters to all pupils. The school has extended the school day to provide additional reading time, benefiting younger pupils by enhancing their reading skills and providing access to a wide range of books. Older pupils also benefit from daily reading opportunities that cultivate a love for literature and enhance their learning experience. Teachers maintain high expectations for all students, and the atmosphere within the school is calm and focused, allowing pupils to make secure progress through the curriculum.
While most pupils exhibit good behavior, there are reports of some bullying; however, students feel confident that staff address these issues promptly and effectively. The school has made strides in improving attendance, although challenges remain, particularly for disadvantaged pupils. Leaders are committed to working with parents to enhance attendance rates, ensuring that all students have access to essential learning opportunities.
The school prioritizes reading as a fundamental aspect of its educational approach. Teachers are well-trained in supporting pupils' reading development, focusing on deepening understanding and expanding vocabulary. Regular assessments help identify students who require additional support, ensuring that all pupils can engage with a diverse range of texts.
In terms of personal development, the school offers a variety of opportunities for students to grow. Pastoral care is robust, promoting understanding of diversity and respect. The curriculum includes age-appropriate relationships and sex education, and the careers program is of high quality, guiding older pupils in exploring their future options. Many parents report that their children participate in extracurricular activities, contributing to a well-rounded educational experience.
The leadership team, including trustees and governors, provides effective oversight and support, fostering an environment where staff welfare is prioritized. The school has established strong safeguarding measures, ensuring that the welfare and safety of pupils are paramount. Staff receive regular training to address any concerns regarding student welfare, and there are effective systems in place for monitoring and recording safety protocols.
Despite the overall positive assessment, the school acknowledges areas for improvement. Some subject curriculums require further development to ensure that all pupils have equal opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills throughout their education. Additionally, attendance rates need to be addressed, particularly for disadvantaged students, to prevent them from missing critical learning experiences.
In conclusion, Tudor Grange Samworth Academy has made commendable progress in enhancing the quality of education and overall student experience. The commitment of leaders and staff to fostering a supportive and ambitious learning environment is evident, and with continued focus on attendance and curriculum development, the school is well-positioned for future success.