Gosberton Academy, located in Spalding, Lincolnshire, has recently undergone an inspection on June 14 and 15, 2023, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school has shown significant improvement since its previous inspection, which rated it as requiring improvement. The quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management have all been rated as good, while early years provision has been rated as outstanding.
Pupils at Gosberton Academy express pride in their school, which is characterized by a welcoming and inclusive environment. They engage in a variety of exciting learning opportunities, from making cakes in Reception to studying monsoons in Year 6. The enthusiasm for school life is evident, and pupils are eager to discuss their learning experiences. High expectations for both learning and behavior are set, and pupils strive to meet these standards by embodying the school’s HEART values, which emphasize honesty, exceptionalism, aspiration, resilience, and togetherness. This positive culture fosters friendly and courteous behavior among pupils, who feel safe and happy at school. Reports of bullying are rare, and pupils trust staff to address any issues that arise.
The school has made notable strides in improving its curriculum across most subjects, ensuring it is purposeful and ambitious from early years through Year 6. Leaders have clearly identified the knowledge and skills pupils are expected to acquire, which aids teachers in planning their lessons effectively. The curriculum is designed to be equally ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, ensuring they receive the same learning opportunities as their peers. However, there are still some subjects where further work is needed to ensure all pupils achieve to their fullest potential.
Reading has been prioritized, with a well-structured phonics program implemented from Reception onwards. Staff are knowledgeable and provide timely support to help all pupils maintain their reading progress. As pupils advance through the school, they continue to develop their reading fluency and comprehension skills, with various initiatives in place to promote a love of reading.
In the early years, children quickly adapt to school routines and thrive in the Reception class, where engaging activities bring learning to life. The positive attitudes towards learning are evident throughout the school, with warm relationships between adults and pupils contributing to a calm and focused classroom environment. Staff effectively check pupils’ understanding and enrich their vocabulary, particularly in the early years.
Character development is central to the school’s mission, with leaders encouraging pupils to strive for personal growth and introducing them to a wide range of career possibilities from a young age. Most pupils participate in extracurricular clubs, enhancing their enjoyment of learning and fostering leadership skills through various roles such as prefects and playground leaders. While pupils demonstrate respect for diverse backgrounds, their understanding of British values, including individual liberty and the rule of law, requires further development.
Leadership at all levels is effective, with a clear vision for ensuring all pupils reach their potential. Staff feel valued and supported, contributing to a positive working environment. The school’s safeguarding arrangements are robust, with staff trained to recognize and address potential risks to pupils. Leaders maintain strong relationships with parents and external agencies to provide necessary support for pupils and families.
Despite the overall positive assessment, the school acknowledges the need for continued improvement in certain subjects to ensure all pupils achieve high levels of understanding and knowledge. The commitment to ongoing development reflects the school’s dedication to providing an excellent educational experience for all its pupils.