The City Academy Bristol is a secondary school that has received a good rating in its recent inspection. The leadership team, led by the principal, has demonstrated dynamic leadership and a clear vision for improvement, which has resulted in a good education for its pupils. The school has effectively communicated high aspirations to students, parents, and staff, and leaders have a solid understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development. They have implemented effective improvement plans to enhance the quality of education.
Teaching at the school is generally good, with effective teachers using questioning techniques to encourage pupils to articulate their thoughts. However, there are some inconsistencies in teaching quality, particularly in science and the expressive arts, where not all pupils receive the support or challenge they need to excel. Despite this, pupils across all year groups are making good progress, especially in English and mathematics. Leaders closely monitor pupil progress and take swift action to address any underperformance, ensuring that courses and qualifications align well with pupils' strengths and aspirations.
The achievement of disadvantaged pupils has significantly improved due to effective teaching and the strategic use of additional resources. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive personalized support, and many are making notable progress. Additionally, pupils who speak English as an additional language are achieving well. However, progress in science and the expressive arts remains slower compared to other subjects.
The school has established a thorough approach to safeguarding, ensuring that pupils feel safe and supported. They are educated about contemporary risks and know whom to approach for help. Attendance rates are improving but still fall below the national average, with persistent absence being a concern. Leaders are actively working to enhance attendance rates. The use of fixed-term exclusions has decreased significantly, reflecting improvements in behavior.
Governance at the school is highly effective, with rigorous accountability measures in place to support and challenge the leadership team. The academy council and board of directors have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, providing a balance of support and challenge.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is strong across various subjects, with teachers demonstrating good subject knowledge. Pupils show respect for one another, contributing to a positive learning environment. Teachers are aware of individual pupil needs, allowing them to tailor their teaching effectively. However, there are areas where questioning techniques could be improved to enhance pupil engagement and understanding.
The school promotes personal development and welfare effectively, providing a nurturing environment for all pupils. Pastoral support is a strength, and the school works closely with local agencies to support vulnerable pupils. Bullying is rare, and when it occurs, it is dealt with promptly. The curriculum includes a comprehensive program of personal, social, health, and economic education, which pupils find relevant and engaging.
Overall, the City Academy Bristol is a good school that is committed to continuous improvement. The leadership team is focused on enhancing teaching quality, improving attendance, and ensuring that all pupils achieve their potential. The school is well-positioned to build on its successes and address the areas identified for further development.