Jeavons Wood Primary School, located in Great Cambourne, Cambridgeshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on November 3 and 4, 2021. The school is characterized by a friendly atmosphere where pupils are happy and eager to learn. Students actively engage in discussions about their learning and show enthusiasm for the diverse subjects offered. They achieve well and are well-prepared for the next stages of their education. The school fosters a culture of consideration and care among pupils, who listen attentively to one another and behave well both in lessons and during break times. The school’s values help students learn to become responsible citizens.
Positive relationships between pupils and staff are evident, with students feeling confident to share any worries or concerns. They know that staff are dedicated to supporting their learning and ensuring their safety. Pupils are aware of what bullying is and report that it is a rare occurrence, with any incidents being addressed promptly. Parents express high levels of satisfaction with the school, appreciating its nurturing approach and the wide range of opportunities provided for their children’s growth and learning.
The school excels in its ambitious curriculum, which is designed to ensure that all pupils learn and achieve effectively. Leaders have developed detailed plans across various subjects, carefully considering the essential knowledge that pupils should acquire from early years through to Year 6. Teachers provide additional practice for pupils who need it before progressing to new learning, ensuring that all students can remember and apply their knowledge effectively during lessons. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are well-supported, with staff adapting lessons to facilitate their progress.
In the early years, children develop their language and communication skills effectively, and they are well-prepared for future learning. The school has successfully maintained a focus on pupils’ wider development, even during the challenges posed by the pandemic. For instance, when residential trips were canceled, the school organized an activity week to ensure that pupils still had memorable experiences. Students learn to appreciate diversity and understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens, which contributes to their overall development.
The school promotes a love of reading, with pupils encouraged to read widely and often. Older students take advantage of reading opportunities during breaks and lessons. A new program for teaching early reading has been introduced, building on previous approaches. While most staff have received training and are gaining confidence in delivering this program, further support is needed to ensure consistent implementation across the school. Younger pupils are matched with books that align with their phonics knowledge, and teachers work to build their confidence in reading.
However, there are areas for improvement. The additional support for less fluent readers in key stage two does not effectively help them apply their phonics knowledge to unfamiliar words, hindering their reading fluency and confidence. Leaders are encouraged to organize this support more effectively to enhance pupils' reading skills.
The school’s governance is strong, with governors actively involved in supporting and holding leaders accountable for the educational outcomes of pupils. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with a strong culture of safety established within the school. Staff are well-trained and vigilant regarding child protection issues, ensuring that concerns are reported and addressed promptly. Overall, Jeavons Wood Primary School continues to provide a supportive and effective learning environment for its pupils.