Parkland Junior School, located in Eastbourne, East Sussex, has undergone significant improvements since becoming an academy. The school has a strong commitment to its motto, Aim high, work hard, dream big, which is reflected in the positive learning environment it fosters. Pupils at Parkland Junior School enjoy their educational experience, demonstrating enthusiasm and engagement in various subjects, including reading, writing, mathematics, and computing. The school provides effective support for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring that every pupil has the opportunity to succeed.
The quality of education at Parkland Junior School is rated as good, with pupils showing eagerness to participate in class activities. They are often deeply engaged in their learning, as evidenced by a Year 6 art lesson where students practiced and refined their artwork in the style of Georgia O'Keeffe. The school also emphasizes learning beyond the classroom, offering thoughtfully chosen trips and a variety of clubs that cater to diverse talents. During break times, pupils socialize and play together, contributing to a positive school culture where bullying is not an issue, and students feel safe.
Leaders at Parkland Junior School have made notable strides in improving the curriculum, particularly in reading, writing, and mathematics. These subjects are well-organized and sequenced, leading to better outcomes for all pupils. While subjects like computing are already strong, other areas such as science and geography are still in the early stages of development. Teachers effectively break down learning into manageable steps, allowing pupils to revisit previous knowledge and build a deeper understanding of the material. This approach is particularly beneficial for students who may struggle with new concepts, as they receive additional support to keep pace with their peers.
Classroom displays play a crucial role in helping pupils remember key knowledge and vocabulary. In subjects where the curriculum is well-developed, teachers select high-quality resources that align with the school's educational goals. Technology is also integrated effectively, with pupils using iPads to enhance their learning across various subjects. Support for pupils with special educational needs is structured and regularly monitored, ensuring that these students are included in all aspects of school life and achieve well.
Leaders are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all pupils, regardless of their backgrounds. They aim to raise aspirations through various trips and experiences that broaden students' horizons. Pupils are aware of behavioral expectations and respond positively, with only rare reminders needed to maintain high standards. They engage in meaningful discussions about their learning, fostering a collaborative environment.
Staff at Parkland Junior School express satisfaction with their work environment, appreciating the efforts of leaders to reduce their workload. The school is part of The Parkland Federation and collaborates closely with other local schools within the multi-academy trust. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with robust systems in place to ensure pupil safety. Staff are well-trained to identify and respond to potential risks, particularly for vulnerable students.
In summary, Parkland Junior School is a thriving educational institution that prioritizes the well-being and success of its pupils. With a strong focus on quality education, effective support systems, and a commitment to inclusivity, the school is well-positioned to continue its positive trajectory. While there are areas for further development, particularly in the wider curriculum, the foundation laid by the leadership and staff is commendable.