Kingsley Primary School, located in Northampton, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy. The inspection, conducted on June 13 and 14, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school is characterized by a welcoming and inclusive environment where pupils feel safe and happy. They express pride in their school and appreciate the friendly nature of both their peers and teachers. The school promotes a culture of respect and understanding of differences among individuals, which is reflected in the pupils' behavior towards one another.
Leaders at Kingsley Primary School maintain high expectations for all students, encouraging them to embody the school's values of respect, aspiration, integrity, synergy, and endeavor. The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, allowing pupils to build on their knowledge progressively. Teachers effectively deliver key concepts, and the quality of work produced by pupils is commendable, showcasing their pride in their achievements. Regular assessments at the beginning of lessons help pupils retain knowledge, and most students demonstrate a good understanding of their subjects, particularly in mathematics and reading.
Reading instruction begins in the early years, with all staff trained in phonics teaching. The phonics program is robust, enabling pupils in Reception and Key Stage 1 to read confidently, including those who speak English as an additional language. Support is provided for pupils who struggle with reading, ensuring they can catch up effectively. The school boasts a well-stocked library, fostering a love for reading among students.
Early years provision is strong, with children enjoying their learning experiences and engaging in purposeful activities. The environment is rich in vocabulary, supporting language development and communication skills. Children are well-prepared for Year 1, with many demonstrating good handwriting skills for their age.
The school is committed to supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, providing tailored resources and pre-teaching strategies. However, consistency in this support across all classes is an area for improvement. Pupils who speak English as an additional language receive excellent support, ensuring they can access the same curriculum as their peers.
While most pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning, there are instances where some become passive learners, particularly in lessons where teaching may not be as effective. Leaders prioritize personal development, and pupils demonstrate a strong understanding of British values and respect for diversity. They engage in enriching experiences that broaden their cultural awareness, including visits to local places of worship.
The leadership team has made significant strides in curriculum development, fostering a supportive culture among staff. Governors work collaboratively with school leaders, providing effective support and challenge. Safeguarding measures are robust, with staff trained to identify and report concerns, ensuring the safety of all pupils.
To enhance the school's effectiveness, leaders need to develop a comprehensive understanding of pupil achievement across all subjects, including science and physical education. This will enable them to provide appropriate support for all students, ensuring they reach their full potential across the curriculum. Overall, Kingsley Primary School is a thriving educational institution that prioritizes the well-being and academic success of its pupils.