Springfield Primary Academy, located on Springfield Road in Moseley, Birmingham, West Midlands B13 9NY, recently underwent its first inspection under the Education Act 2005 on 21 and 22 June 2023, receiving an overall effectiveness rating of Good. The school is praised for its commitment to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment for its pupils, fostering both academic and personal growth.
A Caring Community:
The ethos of kindness and care permeates every aspect of school life at Springfield Primary Academy. The leadership team, driven by high expectations, ensures that all pupils feel safe, engaged, and eager to learn. The school motto, Inspire futures and make memories, is brought to life through engaging lessons and a supportive atmosphere, leading to pupils expressing their happiness and enthusiasm for attending school.
Quality of Education:
The quality of education at Springfield is rated as Good, with a well-structured and ambitious curriculum designed to meet the needs of all pupils. The curriculum is carefully sequenced, providing clear learning objectives that guide teachers in their instruction. Staff receive ongoing training to enhance their teaching practices, although leaders need to improve their monitoring of how well pupils retain and apply their learning over time in certain subjects.
Behaviour and Attitudes:
Springfield Primary Academy maintains a calm and orderly environment where pupils can focus on their learning. Behaviour is consistently good, with staff addressing any incidents of poor behaviour or bullying swiftly and effectively. Positive relationships between staff and pupils enhance the learning experience, creating a respectful and supportive community.
Personal Development:
The school places a strong emphasis on personal development, encouraging pupils to become active citizens. Through initiatives such as fundraising for local and international causes, pupils learn the importance of community involvement and social responsibility. The school's personal development program aligns closely with its core values of respect, resilience, and integrity, preparing pupils for life in modern Britain.
Early Years Provision:
The early years provision at Springfield is rated as Good, with staff adeptly supporting the youngest learners. Children are encouraged to develop essential social skills while engaging in exciting learning opportunities. By the end of the Reception Year, most children are able to read and write simple sentences, laying a strong foundation for their future education.
Areas for Improvement:
While Springfield Primary Academy has many strengths, the inspection identified areas for improvement. Some middle leaders are new to their roles and require support to effectively evaluate the impact of the curriculum in their subjects. Additionally, a few staff members who are new to teaching phonics need further training to ensure consistency in the teaching of early reading. Addressing these areas will help the school enhance its educational offerings.
In conclusion, Springfield Primary Academy prioritizes the well-being and academic success of its pupils. With a strong leadership team, dedicated staff, and a supportive community, the school is well-positioned to build on its successes and address the areas for improvement identified in the inspection. As Springfield continues to inspire futures and create lasting memories, it remains a beacon of excellence in education within the Birmingham community.