The West Park Academy, located in Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy in June 2017. The inspection, conducted on May 18 and 19, 2022, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school has a total of 237 pupils aged between three and eleven years and operates under the governance of a board of trustees.
Pupils at West Park Academy express high levels of satisfaction with their school experience, highlighting their enjoyment of lessons and extracurricular activities. They appreciate the recognition they receive through badges and awards, which serve as motivation for their academic efforts. The curriculum is designed to challenge students appropriately, with teachers providing clear instructions and support. The school offers a diverse range of extracurricular clubs, including gardening, cooking, sports, and computing, which help to foster students' interests and broaden their experiences.
Behaviour at the school is generally good, with leaders setting high expectations for conduct. Most pupils demonstrate positive behaviour in lessons and throughout the school environment. For those who struggle with behaviour management, tailored support is provided to meet their individual needs. Pupils feel safe from bullying, attributing this to a culture of respect among students and effective staff intervention when issues arise. The school promotes an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and all pupils are accepted for who they are.
The curriculum at West Park Academy has been revised to ensure that it clearly outlines the knowledge and skills pupils should acquire from early years through to Year 6. Leaders have carefully planned the curriculum to build pupils' knowledge over time, with a focus on aspiration, raising standards, and cultural diversity. Teachers have begun implementing the new curriculum this academic year and are refining it to better meet the needs of all pupils. Regular training is provided to staff to support this process, and leaders are actively monitoring the effectiveness of the curriculum in helping pupils retain knowledge.
Reading is a key focus at the school, with staff encouraging a love of reading through daily reading sessions and a revised phonics curriculum. Pupils are taught phonics from the start of their education, and those requiring additional support receive targeted assistance to develop their reading skills. In mathematics, lessons begin with recaps of previous learning, helping pupils to consolidate their understanding and apply their knowledge effectively.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are fully included in school life, with leaders ensuring they have access to the same opportunities as their peers. The school promotes broader development through its values and curriculum themes, addressing moral, cultural, and religious topics in lessons and assemblies. This approach helps pupils develop as thoughtful citizens.
The school prioritizes staff well-being, with leaders demonstrating care for their team's workload. Staff report feeling supported and valued, contributing to a positive school culture. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with leaders emphasizing the importance of noting all concerns, no matter how minor, to ensure the safety and well-being of pupils. Regular training and updates are provided to staff, and pupils receive education on how to keep themselves safe, including online safety.
While the school has made significant progress, leaders recognize that the curriculum is still in the early stages of implementation and must be further embedded to ensure pupils retain key knowledge and skills as they progress through their education. Overall, West Park Academy is a school that demonstrates a commitment to high standards and the holistic development of its pupils.