Morley Meadow Primary School, located in Plymouth, has recently undergone its first inspection since opening in September 2021. The school has received a positive evaluation, achieving a rating of good across all key areas, including overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The inspection took place on January 26 and 27, 2022, and the school is noted for its ambitious curriculum and the support it provides to its pupils.
Pupils at Morley Meadow are described as happy and proud of their school, demonstrating good attendance and a strong commitment to their learning. The leadership team is dedicated to ensuring that all students succeed, and this is reflected in the high expectations set for pupils. The school fosters a positive learning environment where students are encouraged to persevere through challenges. Behaviour among pupils is commendable, with rare incidents of bullying effectively managed by attentive staff. The school’s behaviour system is consistently applied, contributing to a safe and respectful atmosphere.
The school has made significant strides in early reading, with children receiving strong support as they begin their educational journey. Teachers ensure that reading materials are appropriately matched to students' abilities, enabling most pupils to read fluently. Additionally, efforts to enhance vocabulary are yielding positive results, with an increasing number of pupils using sophisticated language. However, there is recognition that further work is needed to improve writing skills, particularly in applying spelling and punctuation knowledge effectively.
Leaders at Morley Meadow are aware of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. They have identified the need to enhance the writing curriculum to ensure that all pupils develop the necessary skills to write accurately. In some subjects, there are inconsistencies in the implementation of the curriculum, leading to superficial understanding among pupils. Leaders are committed to addressing these issues and ensuring that the curriculum is delivered with sufficient ambition.
The mathematics and art and design curriculums are well sequenced, and most teachers effectively use assessment to support pupil learning. When learning is tailored to meet individual needs, pupils achieve success. However, in the Reception class, there are concerns that assessments have not been used effectively to adapt the curriculum, resulting in some children not receiving the support they need for their personal and social development.
Safeguarding measures at the school are robust, with staff trained to recognize and respond to potential risks. The school environment is secure, and leaders work closely with various agencies to support pupils and their families. The school has established effective systems for identifying and addressing the additional needs of pupils, ensuring that all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, receive an inspiring and well-matched curriculum.
Overall, Morley Meadow Primary School is making commendable progress in providing a high-quality education. The leadership team is focused on continuous improvement, and while there are areas that require attention, the school is well-positioned to build on its successes. The commitment to fostering a positive learning environment and supporting the diverse needs of pupils is evident, and the school community is encouraged to engage in the ongoing development of its educational practices.