City of London Academy Highbury Grove is a secondary comprehensive school located in Islington, London. The school was inspected on 26 and 27 April 2022 and received an overall effectiveness rating of good across all areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth-form provision. This was the first inspection under section five of the Education Act 2005 since the school converted to academy status in December 2017.
Pupils at the school report feeling happy and safe, attributing this to improved behaviour both in classrooms and throughout the school. They express a sense of community and appreciation for the school's diverse environment. The school actively supports the local community, engaging students in charitable activities such as fundraising and food bank initiatives. Teachers are noted for their ability to plan and deliver engaging lessons that challenge students, and there is a strong emphasis on high expectations regarding uniform and behaviour.
The curriculum is ambitious, broad, and balanced, with subject leaders ensuring that all pupils have access to it, including those in the inclusive sixth form. The school provides a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports and robotics, which take place before and after school. The quality of curricular planning is consistent, with a focus on revisiting key knowledge and skills to aid retention. Teachers regularly assess pupils' understanding and provide constructive feedback, allowing for redrafting and improvement of work.
The school has implemented effective strategies to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, although there are areas for improvement in ensuring that all teachers make appropriate adaptations in their lessons. Reading attainment is assessed upon entry, and while additional support is provided, leaders recognize the need for face-to-face phonics instruction to further assist pupils struggling with reading.
Behaviour management is generally effective, with a clear system in place that is consistently applied by teachers. While low-level disruptions occur occasionally, they are dealt with swiftly. The personal, social, and health education programme is well-structured, preparing older pupils for their future steps through impartial careers advice and work experience opportunities.
Leaders are committed to continuous improvement, and there is a strong sense of pride among staff regarding their work at the school. The governing body demonstrates a solid understanding of their roles, and leaders are aware of the areas that require further development. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a culture of vigilance established around sensitive topics and a commitment to staff training on current issues.
To enhance the school's effectiveness, leaders must ensure that monitoring of classroom provision for pupils with special educational needs is more robust and that staff are trained to deliver phonics instruction where necessary. This will help improve reading attainment and enable all pupils to access the curriculum more effectively. Overall, City of London Academy Highbury Grove is a school that demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and challenging educational environment for its pupils.