Featherby Junior School, located in Gillingham, Kent, has undergone a significant transformation since its previous inspection, moving from an inadequate rating to an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection conducted on June 28 and 29, 2022, highlighted the positive environment fostered within the school, where pupils are described as kind, friendly, and respectful towards one another and their teachers. Instances of bullying are rare, and when conflicts arise, staff are proactive in helping students resolve their issues, contributing to a sense of safety and belonging among the pupils.
The school has implemented a challenging curriculum that engages students and encourages them to persevere through difficult tasks. Pupils express enthusiasm for their learning and demonstrate a desire to meet the high expectations set by school leaders. The curriculum is designed to broaden pupils' horizons, exposing them to experiences beyond their immediate community. Leaders are mindful of financial barriers and strive to ensure that all students can participate in various activities, including clubs and educational trips that enhance their learning and personal development.
Leaders have effectively addressed the action points from the previous inspection, seeking guidance from both internal and external sources to improve the quality of education. Safeguarding practices have been strengthened, and support for struggling readers has seen notable improvements. The school is committed to continuous improvement, with leaders and governors maintaining a clear focus on the priorities necessary for further development.
The curriculum is well-structured, building on prior knowledge from the infant school and allowing pupils to connect their learning across subjects. For example, during the inspection, students articulated how techniques learned in art were applied to future projects, demonstrating a coherent approach to education. However, leaders have identified areas for improvement, particularly in mathematics, where some pupils struggle with basic concepts such as place value and times tables. Adjustments to the curriculum are underway to address these gaps, ensuring that all pupils develop the necessary fluency to tackle more complex mathematical challenges.
While the current curriculum was introduced during the pandemic and is rich in content, there is a risk that essential concepts may be overlooked due to the volume of information presented. Leaders are aware of this and are working to refine the curriculum to ensure that key knowledge is prioritized, providing a solid foundation for future learning.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate support, although some parents express concerns regarding the clarity of learning targets and the effectiveness of assistance provided during lessons. The school is actively working to enhance communication with parents and ensure that support strategies are consistently applied across the board.
Overall, attendance at Featherby Junior School is high, with a decreasing number of persistently absent pupils. This improvement is attributed to the efforts of staff in supporting families and addressing barriers to attendance. The school environment is characterized by positive behavior, contributing to a productive atmosphere in classrooms and throughout the school.
The inspection concluded that while the school has made significant strides, there are still areas for growth, particularly in refining the curriculum and ensuring that all pupils, especially those with SEND, receive tailored support that aligns with their learning needs. The commitment to ongoing improvement is evident, and the school is well-positioned to continue its positive trajectory.