Puss Bank School and Nursery, located in Macclesfield, Cheshire, has been evaluated as a good educational institution following its inspection on May 11 and 12, 2022. The school caters to a diverse range of pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, and is noted for its friendly atmosphere. Parents and carers express satisfaction with various aspects of the school's operations, highlighting the positive environment in which pupils thrive. The school has high expectations for its students, and most pupils achieve well across multiple subjects. Observations during the inspection revealed happy and engaged learners, particularly in the early years and the provision for two-year-olds.
Pupils feel secure and are encouraged to communicate any concerns to staff, who respond promptly to issues such as bullying. The school promotes a sense of community, with pupils forming friendships across different year groups. They actively participate in school life through roles such as school council members and eco-councillors, contributing to their personal development and awareness of global issues.
The leadership team has a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. They have collaborated with staff, governors, and trustees to create a purposeful curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils, including those in the specially resourced provision. Many subject curriculums are well-structured, with subject leaders providing guidance on essential knowledge and the sequence of content delivery. However, there are instances where leaders have not clearly defined the learning objectives for certain subjects, leading to a lack of clarity for teachers regarding expected outcomes.
Subject leaders are well-trained and effectively monitor their areas of responsibility. Staff have access to subject-specific training, ensuring they possess the necessary skills to teach the curriculum. While some subjects have robust systems in place to assess pupil learning over time, others lack sufficient development, resulting in subject leaders not having a comprehensive understanding of pupil achievement.
During lessons, teachers deliver clear explanations and address misconceptions effectively. They utilize assessment strategies to gauge pupil understanding before progressing to more complex material. Most pupils, including those in early years, demonstrate good listening skills, and instances of disruptive behavior are rare. Teachers manage pupils who struggle with behavior regulation effectively.
In the early years, there is a strong emphasis on developing communication skills, resilience, and independence. Staff capitalize on opportunities to enhance language and early literacy skills. Reading is prioritized within the curriculum, with phonics instruction beginning in the Reception class. Books are carefully matched to pupils' phonetic knowledge, and those who struggle receive appropriate support.
Pupils with special educational needs have their needs identified promptly, and leaders collaborate with external agencies to provide necessary support. The school maintains strong connections with the local community, offering pupils enriching experiences through trips and clubs. Pupils are educated on promoting their physical and mental health and demonstrate awareness and tolerance of diversity.
The local academy committee is actively engaged, challenging leaders on various aspects of school operations, including educational quality. Staff report high job satisfaction and appreciate the attention given to their well-being. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize and respond to pupil welfare concerns. Overall, Puss Bank School and Nursery is a supportive and effective educational environment, with clear areas identified for further development to enhance the quality of education provided.