St Edward’s CofE Primary School in Dorrington, Shrewsbury, has been evaluated as a good school following its inspection on 26 and 27 April 2022. The school has created an environment where pupils feel proud to attend, describing it as a family where everyone is treated fairly. The pupils exhibit politeness, friendliness, and a welcoming attitude. They express a sense of safety, attributing this to the strong relationships they have with staff, who know them well. Incidents of bullying are reported to be rare, and pupils appreciate the support they receive from both adults and the school dog, Mabel.
Parents and carers hold a positive view of the school, often praising the executive headteacher and staff. One parent remarked on the pride they feel in being part of the school community. The executive headteacher has established high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. This has resulted in good behavior and hard work among the pupils. They are encouraged to take on various responsibilities, such as being school councillors or members of the safety committee, which fosters a sense of contribution to school life.
The school has implemented a new phonics program to enhance reading instruction, with staff well-trained and confident in this approach. Pupils are regularly engaged in reading activities, both in school and at home, which has led to their development as confident and expressive readers. Mathematics instruction is also strong, with a well-organized curriculum that supports pupils in retaining what they have learned. Additional support is provided to those who need it, ensuring that all pupils can achieve well.
The curriculum is ambitious and carefully sequenced to build on prior knowledge. However, in some foundation subjects, there is a need for clearer identification of the essential knowledge that pupils should acquire. This sometimes results in lessons that do not focus sufficiently on the key learning objectives. Leaders are beginning to introduce more formal assessment methods to better understand what pupils know and can do, particularly in English and mathematics. However, assessments in subjects like history and science are not yet precise enough to inform teaching effectively.
Pupils with special educational needs are well supported, with teachers ensuring their inclusion in all learning activities. The early years provision is also strong, providing children with a solid foundation for their education. The curriculum in early years is well-planned, focusing on high-quality texts that enhance language development. Adults in the early years are well-trained and engage children in meaningful interactions that promote deeper thinking.
The school places a strong emphasis on personal development, teaching pupils to respect and value diverse faiths and cultures. Pupils are encouraged to be active citizens, participating in community events and learning about the wider world. The school’s values of love, forgiveness, and trust are integral to its ethos, reflected in the behavior and kindness of the pupils.
Governance is robust, with trustees and local academy board members closely monitoring the school’s performance. Leaders are aware of their responsibilities and prioritize staff wellbeing, ensuring that staff feel valued and supported. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with staff trained to identify and respond to concerns. Pupils know how to seek help if they have safety concerns and feel confident that staff will assist them. Overall, St Edward’s CofE Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education and a supportive environment for its pupils.