Richard Wakefield C of E Primary Academy, located in Tutbury, Staffordshire, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy in September 2018. The inspection, conducted from January 17 to 18, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school fosters a safe and nurturing environment where pupils are happy and eager to learn. High expectations for behaviour and learning are set by leaders and teachers, contributing to a culture of respect and kindness among students. The school’s values, which emphasize hard work, wise choices, and kindness, are consistently modeled by staff and embraced by pupils.
Pupils report that bullying is rare, attributing this to their commitment to kindness and the initiatives like the kindness crew, which promotes friendship and support among students. The school offers a variety of clubs and encourages pupils to take on responsibilities, such as participating in the school council and serving as playground buddies. Year 6 pupils, in particular, are given additional responsibilities, which they take seriously, recognizing the importance of helping and supporting others.
The curriculum at Richard Wakefield is well-organized and ambitious, catering for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Teachers are knowledgeable about their students and quickly identify any learning gaps or difficulties, allowing for timely adaptations to support learning. The curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils can progress towards clear learning goals, with careful sequencing of knowledge and skills. However, some areas of the curriculum have recently been reviewed, and there are instances where pupils may not learn as effectively as possible due to the need for teachers to receive further support in planning engaging learning activities.
While teachers generally present and explain learning clearly, there are occasions when pupils, including those with special educational needs, may not receive the necessary support or challenge, leading to disengagement. Leaders are aware of this and are working to ensure that all pupils remain engaged in their learning. The school has established strong links between early years and key stage 1, ensuring continuity in learning and preparation for future stages.
Reading is a significant focus at the school, with early reading instruction beginning as soon as children join. Phonics is taught effectively, and pupils who require additional support are quickly identified and helped to catch up. The school promotes a love of reading, with classrooms filled with books and a well-utilized library. Reading is integrated throughout the curriculum, enhancing writing skills as well.
Pupils demonstrate positive learning behaviours, showing respect for one another and developing independence as they progress through the school. While the playground can sometimes be crowded, leading to minor conflicts during play, overall, pupils play happily together and strive to be considerate.
Leaders are committed to providing opportunities for pupils to explore the world around them, including educational visits and learning about different cultures and religions. The school emphasizes fundamental British values, helping pupils understand their relevance in daily life. Staff feel supported and valued, with leaders considering their workload and well-being.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with a strong ethos of safety. Staff are well-trained to recognize and report concerns, ensuring that pupils receive appropriate support. Overall, Richard Wakefield C of E Primary Academy is a school that prioritizes the well-being and development of its pupils while maintaining high educational standards.