Weston Village Primary School is a vibrant and welcoming educational institution located in Crewe, Cheshire. The school has recently undergone an inspection, which took place on the 21st and 22nd of September 2022. The overall effectiveness of the school has been rated as good, with specific commendations in various areas. The quality of education, leadership and management, and early years provision have all been rated as good, while the behavior and attitudes of the pupils have been deemed outstanding.
The school environment is characterized by a strong sense of community and support. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, arrive at school eager to learn and are greeted warmly by staff. This welcoming atmosphere fosters a sense of safety and belonging among students. The pupils express confidence in their teachers, feeling comfortable to approach them with any concerns, including issues related to bullying. The school’s leadership has established high expectations for behavior and achievement, which the pupils consistently meet. Their exemplary behavior and positive attitudes reflect the school’s motto of striving to be the best they can be.
Weston Village Primary School offers a broad and ambitious curriculum designed to cater to all pupils, including those with special educational needs. The curriculum has been carefully structured to ensure comprehensive coverage of the national curriculum without unnecessary repetition. Leaders have identified key knowledge that pupils should acquire each year, allowing them to build on their previous learning effectively. However, there are a few subjects where clarity regarding the essential knowledge is lacking, which can hinder some pupils' achievement.
The school places a strong emphasis on reading, ensuring that nearly all pupils achieve fluency and accuracy by the end of Year 2. Older pupils engage with high-quality literature, enhancing their comprehension skills and fostering a love for reading. Phonics instruction begins in the Reception class, with staff trained to deliver the program effectively. While additional support is provided for pupils who struggle with reading, there is a need for leaders to monitor the effectiveness of this support more closely to ensure all pupils catch up quickly.
Pupils at Weston Village Primary School benefit from a rich array of extracurricular activities, including sports, dancing, and various clubs. They take pride in representing their school in performances and competitions and enjoy regular educational trips that enrich their learning experiences. The school promotes understanding of diversity and equality, encouraging pupils to engage in community service and understand the impact of their actions.
The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement and has implemented a comprehensive training program for subject leaders. While many subject leaders are becoming increasingly effective in supporting teachers, there is still work to be done in ensuring all leaders possess the necessary skills to guide curriculum delivery effectively. The school’s governors are knowledgeable and provide valuable support and challenge to the leadership team.
Safeguarding measures at Weston Village Primary School are robust, with staff trained to recognize signs of risk and harm. Leaders prioritize pupils' well-being and encourage open communication regarding any concerns. Overall, the school is well-regarded by parents and the local community, with staff expressing pride in their work and appreciation for the supportive leadership. The school is on a positive trajectory, with a clear commitment to enhancing the educational experience for all its pupils.