Gilthill Primary School, located in Kimberley, Nottinghamshire, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy in April 2018. The inspection, conducted on 21 and 22 September 2022, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school is characterized by a strong sense of community, with pupils, parents, and staff describing it as feeling like a family. The positive relationships between staff and pupils contribute to a safe and supportive learning environment where pupils feel valued and cared for.
Pupils exhibit commendable behaviour, demonstrating politeness and respect towards adults and peers alike. The staff maintain high expectations for behaviour and learning, consistently reinforcing school rules and promptly addressing any incidents of bullying. The leadership team is dedicated to fostering an inclusive atmosphere, ensuring that the school’s values are integrated into daily practices. Their commitment to inspiring pupils to embrace future challenges is evident in the support provided from early years through to Year 6, helping all pupils to become confident learners.
The school excels in its early years provision, where children are welcomed into a calm and purposeful environment that promotes both adult-led and independent learning. Reading is prioritized, with younger pupils receiving daily phonics lessons that help them develop into fluent readers. However, some pupils in the early stages of reading occasionally encounter books that do not align well with their phonetic knowledge, which can hinder their progress. The leadership team recognizes the need for more precise support for these pupils to ensure they become confident readers.
While the curriculum has been recently developed to outline key knowledge and skills for each subject, some areas require further refinement to ensure that all subjects are sequenced effectively. Teachers employ various strategies to assess pupils' understanding and connect new learning to prior knowledge, which enhances retention and confidence. The school has established effective systems to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they can access the full curriculum and receive appropriate assistance.
The broader development of pupils is also a focus, with a well-structured program that promotes inclusion and respect. Assemblies and extracurricular activities broaden pupils' understanding of diverse cultures and communities, preparing them for life in modern Britain. The school encourages participation in various clubs and activities, with pupils expressing a desire for more options that reflect their interests.
Leadership at Gilthill Primary School is strong, with staff feeling valued and supported. Leaders are mindful of staff workload and prioritize their well-being, contributing to a positive working environment. Parents echo this sentiment, expressing appreciation for the dedication and care shown by the staff.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with a strong culture of safety and well-trained staff who are vigilant in identifying and addressing concerns. The school has established robust procedures for managing safeguarding issues, ensuring that pupils understand how to keep themselves safe.
To improve further, the school must ensure that the curriculum is consistently sequenced across all subjects and that support for pupils who struggle with reading is more uniform. Leaders are committed to addressing these areas to enhance the educational experience for all pupils, ensuring they know and remember more as they progress through the school.