Coughton CofE Primary School has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on June 28 and 29, 2022. The school is characterized by a strong sense of community where pupils are at the center of its caring and ambitious ethos. Relationships between staff and pupils are robust, with teachers knowing each child well. The school promotes a motto of Being our best selves, which pupils embrace wholeheartedly.
Pupils express a genuine love for attending school, feeling safe and happy in their environment. They trust the adults in the school to support them with any concerns they may have. The behavior of pupils is commendable, with a shared understanding of what constitutes bullying, which is reported to be rare. When incidents do occur, staff respond swiftly and effectively.
In the classroom, pupils are engaged and work diligently, demonstrating a strong ability to articulate their learning and areas for improvement. They are encouraged to develop essential learning skills such as resilience and perseverance. The school offers a wide range of extracurricular opportunities, ensuring that all pupils can participate in the 50 things to do before you leave Coughton initiative, which enriches their educational experience beyond the classroom.
Leadership at Coughton CofE Primary School is clear and focused, with leaders and governors sharing a vision for continuous improvement. Parents appreciate the dedication of the staff, noting their commitment to going above and beyond for the pupils. The curriculum is ambitious and broad, with careful selection of content that is relevant and logically sequenced. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in subjects like geography, where leaders need to clarify the essential knowledge pupils should acquire.
Teachers effectively introduce subject-specific vocabulary at the beginning of lessons, which helps pupils use this language confidently. Nonetheless, there are instances where the vocabulary chosen may not be the most critical for understanding the subject matter. In mathematics, for example, some vocabulary may be overly simplistic or inadequately explained.
Pupils demonstrate good knowledge across the curriculum and achieve well, largely due to the engaging and relevant teaching methods employed by staff. The positive learning environment in classrooms is a significant strength, fostering strong relationships among pupils and between pupils and teachers.
The school is committed to supporting pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, ensuring they receive the necessary assistance to thrive and fully engage with the curriculum. Reading is prioritized, with staff well-trained in phonics instruction, enabling pupils to develop a love for reading from an early age.
Mathematics teaching is consistent and well-structured, allowing pupils to revisit key concepts and deepen their understanding over time. The curriculum extends beyond academics, incorporating lessons on relationships, cultures, and faiths, enhanced by community links and educational trips.
Pupils are encouraged to take on various roles within the school, contributing to its vibrant community. Staff feel valued and supported, with their workload considered by leaders. Governance is effective, with trustees providing appropriate challenges and fostering a culture of improvement.
The safeguarding measures in place are effective, with a strong culture of safety promoted throughout the school. Staff are well-trained and proactive in addressing any concerns regarding pupil welfare. Overall, Coughton CofE Primary School is a nurturing environment where pupils can thrive academically and socially, although there are areas identified for further development in curriculum clarity and vocabulary focus.