Discovery Primary Academy, located in Peterborough, has recently undergone its first inspection since opening in September 2018. The inspection, conducted on February 22 and 23, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school has established a positive environment where pupils feel valued and supported. They appreciate the care provided by adults and the high levels of assistance available for their learning needs. This supportive atmosphere fosters a sense of pride among pupils regarding their academic progress.
The school implements consistent routines and rules, contributing to a calm learning environment where pupils can focus on their studies. They are motivated by a reward system that includes ‘discovery discs’ used in the school shop. Pupils demonstrate respect for one another and understand the concept of bullying, noting that it is rare and that adults are responsive to any concerns. The academy's values are respected, and pupils enjoy taking on leadership roles, such as serving as language ambassadors or participating in the academy council.
Leaders at Discovery Primary Academy have designed an ambitious curriculum that has been recently updated to ensure that pupils’ knowledge builds progressively. Teachers exhibit strong subject knowledge and deliver the curriculum consistently. The curriculum is adapted effectively for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, enabling them to make swift progress from their starting points. Assessment practices are utilized effectively to identify and address gaps in knowledge, leading to good pupil achievement. However, some pupils are still developing their writing independence, and a new writing scheme is in the early stages of implementation. Additionally, in some recently updated foundation subjects, not all pupils can recall knowledge as securely as intended.
Reading is a priority at the school, with a systematic approach to teaching phonics. Staff are well-trained to provide effective reading support, allowing pupils who struggle with reading to catch up quickly. High-quality texts are selected to enhance vocabulary and understanding of various writing styles. In the early years, children receive tailored support that helps them learn to read and grasp key mathematical concepts, preparing them well for Year 1.
Pupils exhibit good behavior throughout the school, and the updated behavior policy encourages positive choices. Additional provisions are in place for pupils needing specific behavioral support, although there are instances where these pupils may miss out on learning opportunities. The school promotes healthy relationships and teaches pupils about respect and appreciation through initiatives like a gratitude box. Pupils are well-prepared for life in modern Britain, learning about British values and experiencing democracy through academy council elections.
Staff report high levels of well-being and manageable workloads, benefiting from effective training. Governors and trustees are actively involved in supporting the school’s improvement efforts and fulfill their statutory duties. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with pupils feeling safe due to strong relationships with trusted adults and mechanisms in place for reporting concerns.
To enhance its effectiveness, the school needs to focus on helping some pupils with lower starting points to apply their writing knowledge independently. Additionally, in certain foundation subjects, the scope may be too broad, hindering pupils' ability to secure detailed knowledge. Leaders must ensure that pupils with special educational needs access the full curriculum. Overall, Discovery Primary Academy demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and effective educational environment for its pupils.